Dixie Prediction Update

Dixie said:
Basically, everything you post regarding Iraq is "cheer-leading" for the enemy, because it is the ONLY effective weapon they have against us. We have already demonstrated victory over the enemy in every aspect of this war, save for the war of public opinion, which you people have continually assisted them in every regard. Make no mistake, our brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces can handle the war on the battlefield, it's the war of public opinion they can't win. It is the only vulnerability our enemy has been able to exploit, and with your help, they continue to do so with ease. YES...You are al Qaeda's "12th Man!"

questioning the wisdom of our invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq is NOT synonymous with "cheerleading for the enemy". Democrats do not want the enemy to succeed. We do not hope for their victory...we only voice our strident and deeply felt criticism of this president's terrible terrible foreign policy formulation and the incompetent inplementation thereof.

as a great republican once said,

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

So, from Teddy Roosevelt's perspective - and from MINE - it is assholes like Dixie who are unpatriotic, servile and treasonous.
Dixie said:
Basically, everything you post regarding Iraq is "cheer-leading" for the enemy, because it is the ONLY effective weapon they have against us. We have already demonstrated victory over the enemy in every aspect of this war, save for the war of public opinion, which you people have continually assisted them in every regard. Make no mistake, our brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces can handle the war on the battlefield, it's the war of public opinion they can't win. It is the only vulnerability our enemy has been able to exploit, and with your help, they continue to do so with ease. YES...You are al Qaeda's "12th Man!"

Typical Neocon, republican resonse... question the war and they way it has been fought and you are the enemy.

Well Ill tell you what, AMERICA is stronger than that. We accept questioning our government because we can and because its one of the things that MAKES AMERICA STRONG. Sure in China, Cuba and North Korea, questioning the way the government acts and the leaders choices is treasom and makes you the enemy, but not here in AMERICA. :321:
Well Ill tell you what, AMERICA is stronger than that. We accept questioning our government because we can and because its one of the things that MAKES AMERICA STRONG. Sure in China, Cuba and North Korea, questioning the way the government acts and the leaders choices is treasom and makes you the enemy, but not here in AMERICA.

Why is it, you always want to hide behind these claims of "questioning the government?" I question the government every day, there is no problem with you questioning the government or anything else for that matter. It is your blatant propagandizing and undermining of the war effort, that presents a problem. You crossed a line from 'mere questioning' into borderline treason, a long fucking time ago! To try and claim you have some patriotic right to effectively conspire with the enemy against the United States, is just plain cowardice. Stand up for what you believe! Be honest about your support for our enemies, admit you hate America and what it stands for and want to see it fail. Don't go hiding behind some false claim of patriotic rights like we are a bunch of idiots who can't see through you.
I have a patriotic right to be outraged at the dangerously incompetent execution of a flawed foreign policy. No one on the left that I know of is "conspiring with the enemy against the United States. I am firmly convinced that Bush's terrlble foreign policy and even worse implementation of it is a clear and present danger to America. I am a patriot and I feel that our pResident is a danger to us all....and I am FAR from alone in holding those beliefs. The majority of Americans now realize they were sold a bill of goods, that their fears were played upon, that they were misled by Bush and that, in so doing, he has made us LESS safe, MORE despised around the world... and our war efforts have only served to make us poorer and fewer.
Not true, I love America, thats why I am so upset to see the path it has taken in the past few years. It is my duty to point out Bush's folly. I owe it to those fighting for me.

Please give me an example of "blatant propagandizing and undermining of the war effort" instead of just name calling cite an example of what the HELL you are talking about. I think Saddam was a sick evil man. I think Ossama should be killed. I want to punish those responsable for 9-11! I dont think an inept attempt at taking over Iraq promotes those goals...!
Jarod said:
Not true, I love America, thats why I am so upset to see the path it has taken in the past few years. It is my duty to point out Bush's folly. I owe it to those fighting for me..........I think Saddam was a sick evil man. I think Ossama should be killed. I want to punish those responsable for 9-11! I dont think an inept attempt at taking over Iraq promotes those goals...!

Very well said.
"You crossed a line from 'mere questioning' into borderline treason, a long fucking time ago!"

Were, When, How? Dont just shout insults... cite examples of what you are talking about?
Jarod said:
"You crossed a line from 'mere questioning' into borderline treason, a long fucking time ago!"

Were, When, How? Dont just shout insults... cite examples of what you are talking about?

of course, you are kidding...aren't you Jarod? Have you EVER known Dixie to be able to do that? He is nothing but a blowhard neocon chickenhawk gadfly...and he'll never change

Dixie, on Zarqawi's death, June 15 2006:

"There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise!
I wonder if he enjoys his status as really a parody of all that is wrong with the folks who blindly support Bush and who have so destroyed the GOP?
maineman said:
I wonder if he enjoys his status as really a parody of all that is wrong with the folks who blindly support Bush and who have so destroyed the GOP?

When Dixie is 80 years old, and suffering from alzheimers and dementia, he'll still be muttering that "Bush was right! we found wmd!"
Anyone sensible won't really care about Bush that far into the future.

Only liberals with nothing else to validate their flawed perspective than an unlucky president.
actually...the minute he leaves the white house, I will try very hard not to ever let him cross my mind ever again.

unlucky? hardly.

inept? dull? incurious? misquided? a simpleton? most certainly.

The worst president of my lifetime. bar none.
gonzojournals said:
Anyone sensible won't really care about Bush that far into the future.

Only liberals with nothing else to validate their flawed perspective than an unlucky president.

Yes, it was extremely unlucky for him to accidentially sign evey spending bill placed before him save one, to invade another country on accident, and to squander the goodwill the world had towards my country, all in a few years. He's a really good card player getting bad cards. Yeah, that's it.
precisely beefy....very well said!

by the way...did you ever get back to that thread about the UN observation post?
Dixie said:
For the record: Dixie officially stated in an editorial, that we would likely see fewer deaths in combat for the entire Iraq war, than some single military battles. This was twisted into the number 2,500 in the ensuing onslaught of parsing and hacking, and an example I gave of a WWII so. pacific battle, which had incurred 2,500 casualties. I stated that, indeed, I seriously doubted we would see significantly more than 2,500 combat deaths in this war, and I will stand behind that. We aren't seeing the attrition rates we saw at one point, it has dropped significantly, and baring any kind of unforeseen catastrophe, there will not be many more flag-draped coffins coming home. There will not be many more opportunities for Liberal pinheads to protest at dead veterans funerals!

I hate it for you, I know how much you were all counting on this being another Vietnam, and having the body count soar into the 10's of thousands, but that hasn't happened and won't happen now. So, you people can stop your cheer-leading for the insurgency, the game is over. What you are doing now, is looking foolish, and at a time you can ill-afford to look that way in public.

Unfortunately for your position, several observers have predicted a catastrophic loss of life, due in part to the sloppiness resulting from low morale, which is itself inherent in the nature of the asymmetrical war, and it's lack of battle lines or clear delineation of the opposition forces. The only reason Iraq won't equal Vietnam's casualties is that the public won't stand for that again. Otherwise, Iraq is Vietnam with sand.

By the way, nobody is cheerleading for the insurgency, you pinhead, and if you had made the right call in a clear unambiguous fashion, neither of which you did, you wouldn't have to be doing all this shucking and jiving, trying to make it seem like you did. You're the one looking foolish, defending the indefensible.
Iraq is swirling down the bowl.... dissolving into sectarian civil war that WE set in motion... the crazies are in control in Iran...Hezbollah is integrating itself into the political and military structure of Lebanon...Hamas is in ascendancy in Palestine... this is a nightmarish foreign policy debacle on a scale never before seen in this country. Bush and his neocon chickenhawk cheerleaders have literally pushed the world to the brink. I am beginning to believe this religious right "End of Times" bullshit might have some substance to it.
maineman said:
Iraq is swirling down the bowl.... dissolving into sectarian civil war that WE set in motion... the crazies are in control in Iran...Hezbollah is integrating itself into the political and military structure of Lebanon...Hamas is in ascendancy in Palestine... this is a nightmarish foreign policy debacle on a scale never before seen in this country. Bush and his neocon chickenhawk cheerleaders have literally pushed the world to the brink. I am beginning to believe this religious right "End of Times" bullshit might have some substance to it.
