Dix's signature says...
"The only reason Slavery should be legal would be if a group of people
were "sub-human" like a dog."
Jarod explains why he supports abortion.
1) How does the quote come anywhere to explaining that I do or why I would support an abortion?
2) I dont support abortion, I think it should be legal, but I sure dont support it.
3) The difference between enslaving a person and removing an embryo from inside your body is HUGE, if you cant see that you are truely an IDIOT!
"The only reason Slavery should be legal would be if a group of people
were "sub-human" like a dog."
Jarod explains why he supports abortion.
1) How does the quote come anywhere to explaining that I do or why I would support an abortion?
2) I dont support abortion, I think it should be legal, but I sure dont support it.
3) The difference between enslaving a person and removing an embryo from inside your body is HUGE, if you cant see that you are truely an IDIOT!