Dixie's idiotic signature...!

Nope. Religion isn't the taking of a human life.

It is an example of something that I disagree with (in the way Jarod does abortion) yet believe should be legal.

Also, you have yet to make the case that an embyro is a human life.
I think there is enough doubt about;

1) if the embryo is an independent life and

2) What the "host" of that life's (if it is a life) responsabilities are.

That it should be left up to the individual to make her own decisions about abortion.
Also, you have yet to make the case that an embyro is a human life.

I think that is obvious. It is living, and it is something, if not human, what?

Is your thumb a human life?

Its living, and it is something, if not human, what?
I am for small government, and I think the government should stay out of decisions that are not clear cut!
Sometimes they have exactly the same DNA... does that make them the same person?
I am for small government, and I think the government should stay out of decisions that are not clear cut!

I am for small government too, but I think our government has a moral obligation under the Constitution, to protect human life. I don't think they should allow people to kill other people, just for convenience sake. And I certainly don't think they should allow the use of my tax dollars to do it.
I am for small government too, but I think our government has a moral obligation under the Constitution, to protect human life. I don't think they should allow people to kill other people, just for convenience sake. And I certainly don't think they should allow the use of my tax dollars to do it.

Who is using your tax dollars, have you ever heard of the Hyde amendment?

I think the Government has a moral obligation to back out of people's private lives when the MORAL question is ambigious.
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Is it the same DNA as the mother? This is the argument you presented with the thumb analogy, so that is what is the issue here.

But why does that make a difference, just because they dont share the same DNA?

So, a twin should be allowed to kill her twin because they share DNA...