Dixie's idiotic signature...!

....and I know you admitted that you wanted to rape my daughter at gunpoint with your disease-ridden biker buddies. As far as I am concerned, every allegation made against you, is true. I'm not the least bit sorry for anything I might have insinuated regarding you.

You are fortunate that I have not taken the advice of my friends at Perverted Justice and filed charges against you, the only thing that saved your ass was SR deleting the threads. If you continue to harass me, I will be happy to share what the people from the Maine chapter had to say about you... (yes they know your name.)

I think you need to cease and desist with the slander against me, and the continued haranguing for an apology from me, and consider yourself fortunate to live in Maine, far away from my retribution, and you'd better hope we never-ever cross paths.

actually.... there are some golf courses in your area that I am considering flying down to play just for the added benefit of having the opportunity to come visit you face to face..... I do know your address and I do know the name of a good sporting goods store nearly...I can pick up a new utility wood for use on the fairway and a good aluminum baseball bat for use on your kneecaps all on the same trip. Sleep with one eye open, you slanderous motherfucker. But tell us all again how you lost touch with your own flesh and blood and she had to come looking for YOU after a decade apart. Now THAT is what I call redneck racist fatherhood at its finest!
Dixie said...

I think we can all agree, intentionally taking a human life is immoral.

Now lets teach him about some grey area...

When our troops intentionally kill (take the human life of) a terrorist in the act of terrorising some 13 year old girl... Is that immoral?
Dixie said...

I think we can all agree, intentionally taking a human life is immoral.

Now lets teach him about some grey area...

When our troops intentionally kill (take the human life of) a terrorist in the act of terrorising some 13 year old girl... Is that immoral?

immoral ... yes .... justifed probably ....
immoral ... yes .... justifed probably ....

no doubt about that...at issue is whether our presence there to being with is, itself, immoral. No WMD's.... no connection to 9/11 or AQ..... what business did WE have in invading, conquering and occupying that country???
no doubt about that...at issue is whether our presence there to being with is, itself, immoral. No WMD's.... no connection to 9/11 or AQ..... what business did WE have in invading, conquering and occupying that country???

well.....saddam did violate 18 UN resolutions .... so since the US is the UNs cops maybe that is why .... but war is immoral ..... but so is a leader of a country and his sons feeding citizens into a wood chipper feet first, killing soccer players and gassing cities .....

but i believe the US should close all foreign bases and shut off all foriegn aid....and wish everyone luck
actually.... there are some golf courses in your area that I am considering flying down to play just for the added benefit of having the opportunity to come visit you face to face..... I do know your address and I do know the name of a good sporting goods store nearly...I can pick up a new utility wood for use on the fairway and a good aluminum baseball bat for use on your kneecaps all on the same trip. Sleep with one eye open, you slanderous motherfucker. But tell us all again how you lost touch with your own flesh and blood and she had to come looking for YOU after a decade apart. Now THAT is what I call redneck racist fatherhood at its finest!

You're such an idiot. How can you care this much? How?
what makes you think that I care at all? I just love to get his goat.... and even though he claims to ignore me, I know I still can....it is like shooting fish in a barrel! LOL
I am so excited to face the folks at the maine chapter of "erverted justice" ROFLMFAO!!!!!!

hey dixie ....as your boyfriend in bluejeans says...."bring em on, motherfucker!!!"
what makes you think that I care at all? I just love to get his goat.... and even though he claims to ignore me, I know I still can....it is like shooting fish in a barrel! LOL

Really?? What makes me think you care? Okay.
Is it about the source of burden or the magnitude of burden?
At what point can you understand an abortion? Where is the line in the sand?

Personally, I don't understand how anyone could terminate innocent human life, regardless of the circumstance. Society is not controlled by what I personally believe, however, so I am able to "understand" circumstances, where a legitimate argument might be made, for making the decision to terminate a life. I don't know what the threshold would be for that, it certainly comes somewhere before partially delivering the living fetus, to shove a shunt into the skull and suck the brain down a tube.
can one of you all explain to me why you get to decide what other people do?

Do you think you live in a society where no one is told what to do? No one here has advocated for the sole right to tell anyone what to do, I am sorry if you misunderstood. We are talking about society's role in general, all of us deciding what kind of society we want to live in.

I think it is fairly clear, someone decided that you and I can't run around naked in the streets and masturbate in public. Someone decided that you can't have sex with kids. Someone decided you can't shoot your neighbor because he looked at your wife. Someone decided you will drive 35 mph in the school zone... you get the picture... you are inundated with things that someone got to decide you would do, or not do.
Dixie said...

I think we can all agree, intentionally taking a human life is immoral.

Now lets teach him about some grey area...

When our troops intentionally kill (take the human life of) a terrorist in the act of terrorising some 13 year old girl... Is that immoral?

Awww... what's the matter Jarhead? You wanted me to debate you, and I did. Now you want to run off and change topics again, instead of addressing my posts? I'm astonished.

There is no grey area when it comes to human life, it either IS or ISN'T human life... no grey area. As I said, there might be "grey areas" with regard to when it is moral and ethical to terminate a life, and I can certainly be open-minded enough to listen to those rare exceptions, I just can't tolerate abortion on demand, simply for the sake of vanity, convenience, and avoiding personal responsibility.
Do you think you live in a society where no one is told what to do? No one here has advocated for the sole right to tell anyone what to do, I am sorry if you misunderstood. We are talking about society's role in general, all of us deciding what kind of society we want to live in.

I think it is fairly clear, someone decided that you and I can't run around naked in the streets and masturbate in public. Someone decided that you can't have sex with kids. Someone decided you can't shoot your neighbor because he looked at your wife. Someone decided you will drive 35 mph in the school zone... you get the picture... you are inundated with things that someone got to decide you would do, or not do.

you can do whatever you like....you get to deal with the results of your choices....but you should readers the words i wrote each one was picked on purpose....i asked why you get to decide....key word ...you...i did not ask about others i asked why you think you get to decide
you can do whatever you like....you get to deal with the results of your choices....but you should readers the words i wrote each one was picked on purpose....i asked why you get to decide....key word ...you...i did not ask about others i asked why you think you get to decide

WTF? I'm supposed to sit here scratching my head, trying to figure out the mystery of the riddle or something? I read the words, and I responded to them! I never claimed that I was "getting to decide" a damn thing! Or that I felt I was entitled to decide anything! If I got to decide, we wouldn't be having abortions at all, under any circumstance for any reason! I realize we don't live in a world where "I get to decide" anything! We live in a society, which collectively decides what the rest of us can and can't do, what we will and will not tolerate as a societal whole. This has asbo-fucking-lutely nothing to do with what "I get to decide."
Awww... what's the matter Jarhead? You wanted me to debate you, and I did. Now you want to run off and change topics again, instead of addressing my posts? I'm astonished.

There is no grey area when it comes to human life, it either IS or ISN'T human life... no grey area. As I said, there might be "grey areas" with regard to when it is moral and ethical to terminate a life, and I can certainly be open-minded enough to listen to those rare exceptions, I just can't tolerate abortion on demand, simply for the sake of vanity, convenience, and avoiding personal responsibility.

So Dixie, are you against the death penalty?

And since we have the highest infant mortality rate and the highest rate of child poverty in the industrialized world (and those two statistics must be seen in relation to each other) do you support universal health care and other programs that might raise the level of health care and general health of those little children once they are born?

Or do you believe that letting them die once they are born is somehow morally superior to having an abortion before they are born?

Do you also support state funded social programs that would raise the life conditions of those children who are born into poverty and are unable to do anything about their conditions?

When was the last time you went up to Appalachia or down to the Delta and helped one of the resident of those areas world famous for the poverty of the resident by installing running water in their home?
So Dixie, are you against the death penalty?

And since we have the highest infant mortality rate and the highest rate of child poverty in the industrialized world (and those two statistics must be seen in relation to each other) do you support universal health care and other programs that might raise the level of health care and general health of those little children once they are born?

Or do you believe that letting them die once they are born is somehow morally superior to having an abortion before they are born?

Do you also support state funded social programs that would raise the life conditions of those children who are born into poverty and are unable to do anything about their conditions?

When was the last time you went up to Appalachia or down to the Delta and helped one of the resident of those areas world famous for the poverty of the resident by installing running water in their home?

Wow Prikish, you made an impressive list of questions! In reading them, it seems to me, you want to justify abortions on the grounds that I don't care about people after they are born. This is a rather odd way to justify abortions, or anything, for that matter.

To make a long list of questions short, I would support any of those socialist programs with the money saved from federally funded abortions. just tell me where I sign the deal! See, I had rather deal with the little problem of having a million lives a year sucked down a tube first, then we can deal with what to do with the poor. I think there is enormous potential to help the poor, if they are allowed to live, instead of being sucked down a tube. For some reason, I think it's pretty fundamental to prevent this being sucked down a tube first, then we can work on solutions to the other problems.... all the help in the world will not do a bit of good for a mangled fetus in a jar.
Awww... what's the matter Jarhead? You wanted me to debate you, and I did. Now you want to run off and change topics again, instead of addressing my posts? I'm astonished.

There is no grey area when it comes to human life, it either IS or ISN'T human life... no grey area. As I said, there might be "grey areas" with regard to when it is moral and ethical to terminate a life, and I can certainly be open-minded enough to listen to those rare exceptions, I just can't tolerate abortion on demand, simply for the sake of vanity, convenience, and avoiding personal responsibility.

-DIXIE: There is no grey area when it comes to human life, it either IS or ISN'T human life... no grey area."

-DIXIE, Oct. 10: Here's a plan... Bush should just say, what the fuck... they all want to call me a cowboy, they all want to blame everything on me, anyway... I'm going to send the B-2's to the capital of Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela, armed with 1m nukes, and inflict a little collateral damage, as a final warning. If they are so eager to get involved with the big dog, in a nuclear confrontation, let's get it on! After the initial attention-getter, he issues a 48 hour deadline to turn over all nuclear-related materials to the UN and IAEA, or we will release the list of cities to be targeted next week, with the next higher level of nuclear technology in our arsenal."
Awww... what's the matter Jarhead? You wanted me to debate you, and I did. Now you want to run off and change topics again, instead of addressing my posts? I'm astonished.

There is no grey area when it comes to human life, it either IS or ISN'T human life... no grey area. As I said, there might be "grey areas" with regard to when it is moral and ethical to terminate a life, and I can certainly be open-minded enough to listen to those rare exceptions, I just can't tolerate abortion on demand, simply for the sake of vanity, convenience, and avoiding personal responsibility.

I am not trying to change any topic. My point is that there are grey areas when it comes to even taking lives. I think Early abortion is one of those grey areas. Personally I would not have an abortion... but I think there is enough ambiguity about it that the government should STAY OUT OF IT. When it comes to private morally grey medical decisions the government should stay out!
I am not trying to change any topic. My point is that there are grey areas when it comes to even taking lives. I think Early abortion is one of those grey areas. Personally I would not have an abortion... but I think there is enough ambiguity about it that the government should STAY OUT OF IT. When it comes to private morally grey medical decisions the government should stay out!

Indeed, there are grey areas when it comes to taking lives, there is no grey area with regards to what is or isn't human life. There is no ambiguity about it, from a moral standpoint, it is wrong to take innocent human life. The government has every right to set rules, boundaries, and guidelines, regarding issues such as this, there are countless examples of it. To sluff your responsibility here, is moral laziness, and nothing more.

I have no problem with medical privacy, and people making choices with their doctors about their medical conditions, abortion is not a medical condition, it is a procedure. It is used to terminate a human life inside the womb, which required at least one vital choice to be made, in order for that to happen. I support a woman's right to choose, just not unlimited choices. From my standpoint, the woman has the right to choose to use any number of birth control methods available, the woman has a right to choose whether to have sex or not, and she also chooses to accept the consequences of unprotected sex when she has it. So, by the time a fetus is in her womb, she has made several choices already, giving her the choice to murder another human because of her previous choices, is just unacceptable to me.