DJIA Tops 14K


Well-known member
The Dow set a new record this morning briefly topping 14,000. I'm surprised it has not gotten more discussion both in the media and on chat boards like this.

In late '99 and 2000 the stock market was the rage as everyday Joe's opened up E-Trade accounts and started day trading and taxi cab drivers were famously giving out stock tips.

The post bubble burst garnered news as companies were found to have boosted their share price by illegal means.

I think the real estate boom took some of the glare away from the stock market during the early and mid 2000's. The market isn't as sexy today as the late '90's because there are fewer high flying stocks with little or no earnings which garnered so much attention. Dot coms are still out there they are just not going public until they can show a viable product and actual positive earnings.

The Fed generally got a positive review from analysts this morning on CNBC regarding inflation. It looks like a good market will continue for the bulls.
The Dow set a new record this morning briefly topping 14,000. I'm surprised it has not gotten more discussion both in the media and on chat boards like this.

In late '99 and 2000 the stock market was the rage as everyday Joe's opened up E-Trade accounts and started day trading and taxi cab drivers were famously giving out stock tips.

The post bubble burst garnered news as companies were found to have boosted their share price by illegal means.

I think the real estate boom took some of the glare away from the stock market during the early and mid 2000's. The market isn't as sexy today as the late '90's because there are fewer high flying stocks with little or no earnings which garnered so much attention. Dot coms are still out there they are just not going public until they can show a viable product and actual positive earnings.

The Fed generally got a positive review from analysts this morning on CNBC regarding inflation. It looks like a good market will continue for the bulls.

Its up 29 percent total, since the day clinton left office nearly seven years ago.

That's an annual increase of, what, four and a half per cent annual?

There are banks that have CD's that beat that rate of return.

Pardon me if I don't get too excited ;)
you suck Hillary's hemroids if it were her numbers.
I'll take this stock market, the number of millionaires doubled during that time too cy
Mostly becsue of tax breaks for the upperclasses. Which I am currently benefitting from but do not agree with.
Its up 29 percent total, since the day clinton left office nearly seven years ago.

That's an annual increase of, what, four and a half per cent annual?

There are banks that have CD's that beat that rate of return.

Pardon me if I don't get too excited ;)

I guess I should have figured this would get political. Your boy Clinton left office as the dot com bust hit. Of course there would not have been a dot com bust had Al Gore been in office and the Enron's and profitless dot-com company's would have grown forever but that is old hat.

The market is up 12% this year and recovered very nicely since the crash but to partisan hacks that is irrelevant because my side must look good and your side must look bad.
Mostly becsue of tax breaks for the upperclasses. Which I am currently benefitting from but do not agree with.

Simple solution, give your money back citizen. Send a check to your treasury. Do you think they wouldn't accept your money? Have others like you who feel they don't pay enough to pool your money and make a splash in the news as those protesting too low of tax rates.
Just be like me Cawacko and have no side.
both sides are right on some things and wrong on others. But the current crop of cons scare the heck out of me on the debt, war and world relations.

the old "Clinton just got lucky!" routine.

Sorry, your boy has had the better part of a decade in office. The statute of limitations of blaming 9/11, the dot com bust, whatever, is long over. Bush also inherited a real estate boom.

So, I'm just not buying the "clinton got lucky" routine. Sorry!
usc if you took 2 economics classes you'd know why the tax cuts work.

Oh I know they are working for me and for you but not for many.
And besides experts that are actually experts say there is no proof that tax cuts have worked as sold by the republicans.
I don't think your 2 courses makes you an expert and neither would they make me one.

the old "Clinton just got lucky!" routine.

Sorry, your boy has had the better part of a decade in office. The statute of limitations of blaming 9/11, the dot com bust, whatever, is long over. Bush also inherited a real estate boom.

So, I'm just not buying the "clinton got lucky" routine. Sorry!

Wow you have partisan blinders on. I never said Clinton got lucky nor was I trying to credit him or take credit away from him. I never even mentioned the guy.

Work with me and try for one second to look at the facts of the market and not who was President. This discussion was not intended as one to try and "score points for my side".

Actually I laid out the facts above and look where that got us. Forget it.
Its up 29 percent total, since the day clinton left office nearly seven years ago.

That's an annual increase of, what, four and a half per cent annual?

There are banks that have CD's that beat that rate of return.

Pardon me if I don't get too excited ;)

Its up 85% since it bottomed out in 2003. After a recession (that began in 2000), after 9/11, despite 2 costly wars, rapidly rising energy prices...

yeah... the economy is sooo very weak now.
Oh I know they are working for me and for you but not for many.
And besides experts that are actually experts say there is no proof that tax cuts have worked as sold by the republicans.
I don't think your 2 courses makes you an expert and neither would they make me one.

No disrespect intended but I have to shake my head on that one.

We often (rightfully) judge literacy rates in school but one thing that rarely gets tested is financial literacy which is exremely low in this country and understanding of how our economy and capital markets work.
cypress is a koolaid drinking fool, but we dems need all towing the rope we can get.
USC I totally agree with the cons scaring message, imagine that.
And freak 85% in what 4 years, man if I get that in the next 4 I"m out.
Just be like me Cawacko and have no side.
both sides are right on some things and wrong on others. But the current crop of cons scare the heck out of me on the debt, war and world relations.

On the above, I agree with you. The management of the debt, war and world relations has been pathetic (to be extremely kind in terminology).
cypress is a koolaid drinking fool, but we dems need all towing the rope we can get.
USC I totally agree with the cons scaring message, imagine that.
And freak 85% in what 4 years, man if I get that in the next 4 I"m out.

Yes, since March of 2003 it is up a bit over 85%. Given that you are predominantly in oil and international, you should be fine. But the US market is becoming overly euphoric again (similar to 1999). While I won't advocate fighting the technical trends, I would definitely advocate a very close eye on the market... it is moving too fast and a correction is likely in the short term.
agreed, I rarely own anything with a high PE. Right now apple, I'm in the index 500 and it feels way to pricey. Bout to unload and get back into oil more with our 10 PE multiple, Europe asia fund 30% and mayb stick 10% in China FXI
Just be like me Cawacko and have no side.
both sides are right on some things and wrong on others. But the current crop of cons scare the heck out of me on the debt, war and world relations.

Actually since most 'cons' started seriously questioning many of the admistration's policies, the far left scares me much more.

I do agree with you though, that neither party is worth taking sides with right now.
agreed, I rarely own anything with a high PE. Right now apple, I'm in the index 500 and it feels way to pricey. Bout to unload and get back into oil more with our 10 PE multiple, Europe asia fund 30% and mayb stick 10% in China FXI
I've been thinking of unloading before they report the iPhone sales. The holdout on the reports makes me "iffy".