DJIA Tops 14K

If I were 20 taday I would but then I would not be in Nam either.....
Impossible to what if on that. I did hlep pay for 3 of my siblings to get degrees. 2 teach at universities.

I am by no way anti education, just anti elitist asshole :D
Obviously, as you did before, check with your personal advisor (as everyone should when receiving "advice" on the net) or do your own research....

But my opinion is to stick with defensive sectors like healthcare, consumer staples. Energy is a good play as well. I think commerical real estate is the safest way to get a decent income stream with backside cap gain appreciation upon the sale of property (or REIT... depending on how you invest)

Avoid anything with CDO exposure... once they start pricing, anything with exposure is going to take a hit.
I was thinking energy, limited in oil though, If the war ends the price will drop. I have some in there now like that.
I have some muni bonds and such, some tech, just pretty spread out I guess.
Mostly in electricity. I am not realky sure what all I am into, I have a good friend in the business and I pretty much leave the bulk of it up to her.
I do play with some though and doing very well on it, but it is high risk stuff.
Looking at about 85% gain so far for the year on the high risk stuff.

I figure to live off the high risk income while the boom lasts.
if oil price goes way down you could make a killing off the strictly refienery play. Oil is there main cost, gas will not follow oil down directly, and oil will go down at least short term. 60 before 100, we'll see both.
Airlines will make a killing if oil goes down (at least southwest) I wouldn't touch them because with chinees driving like crazy oil is not going to be cheap for long.
Purina is cooked up right down the street from where I work. They also only purchase US grown ingredients. Therefore if you want your pets to be safe, go Purina, or buy them steak at the butchers down the street.
actually top, options can reduce risk if you are investing in a company like Apple right now. Given that it could fly either way, you are putting less capital at risk with options. The more volatile a stock is, the more likely I would be to buy options based on what direction I thought the stock would go vs. buying/shorting the stock directly. That said, I do not play with short term options. Predominantly stick with LEAPS.
Purina is cooked up right down the street from where I work. They also only purchase US grown ingredients. Therefore if you want your pets to be safe, go Purina, or buy them steak at the butchers down the street.

Purina is also made in Louisville, but they did farm some out and it was involved in the pet food poisioning event. some kind of moist pouch stuff.
I do but it can be worth listening to and checking out.

true... it doesn't hurt to listen and check out ideas... but for those who are reading this other than you and top... to make sure that EVERYONE knows to do so. You know... putting in a few disclaimers for a little CYA...:rolleyes:
I guess I should have figured this would get political. Your boy Clinton left office as the dot com bust hit. Of course there would not have been a dot com bust had Al Gore been in office and the Enron's and profitless dot-com company's would have grown forever but that is old hat.

The market is up 12% this year and recovered very nicely since the crash but to partisan hacks that is irrelevant because my side must look good and your side must look bad.
Im not going to get involved in this because I have a very dim veiw of the stock market being a grand indicator of the overall economy but your last point interestsme (emboldened)Just HOW did you come to that conclusion???