Plays tennis...
Have they ever done a psychiatric profile explaining why people choose fuzzy ball over dimple ball?
I eschewed school sports and chose boxing as my competitive sport.
At about the same time, I guess, I chose golf as my recreational sport.
For the former, I needed an alternative to school jock culture which I hated.
The recidivists at Rip Valenti's gym seemed angelic in comparison,
plus unlike as with the school jocks, I was actually allowed to hit them.
For the latter, I had cigar smoking, Cadillac driving uncles acting as my role models.
They also, needless to say, taught me how to read a racing form.
[Types become stereotypes for a good reason, trust me.]
It never once occurred to me to try tennis.
I wouldn't even have needed to join a club or anything like that.
We had well maintained public courts in the playgrounds in Boston.
Still do, as far as I know.
There doesn't seem to be anything notably perverse about tennis as a sport.
Just as with golf, there's more fresh air than in the pool rooms or bowling alleys, right?
It just never entered my head for some reason.