Djokovic’s (anit-vax) revenge

you do realize that excellent health is pretty important to being a superior athlete ...

You could not be further from the truth. Winning is most important to the highest level athletes. They are very willing to sacrifice their own health to win. Do you think they care that steroids might cause them to get cancer in their 50's? No it is all about winning the Gold Medal today.

I was briefly a signed professional athlete. Nothing like the level of Djokovic, but I have some idea.
Kyle Mullen, while not technically an athlete, was one of the most athletic people in America. He completed Hell Week in the Navy Seals, which is an amazing athletic feat...

And then he died of pneumonia. It turns out that extreme athletics does not cure all diseases. In fact, it can make diseases worse.
You could not be further from the truth. Winning is most important to the highest level athletes. They are very willing to sacrifice their own health to win. Do you think they care that steroids might cause them to get cancer in their 50's? No it is all about winning the Gold Medal today.

I was briefly a signed professional athlete. Nothing like the level of Djokovic, but I have some idea.

Give me a link not your "story"... and I disagree with you..
You want me to prove that some athletes use performance enhancing drugs that could hurt their health? Really?
isn't it illegal to use performance enhancing drugs? Most ...the vast athletes are just in great shape and take very good care of themselves...
He gets the last laugh. 24 majors. Oldest ever to win the U.S Open. He' won't be caught, at least for a generation or two. Maybe never.
The elites tried to short circuit his career and failed.
And he's still not done, playing some of the best tennis I've seen from him. Absolutely ripped through the competition losing only two sets.
This must hurt.
I know you think he's a moron, etc., but I admire how he stood his ground and his principles, possibly losing the chance to be considered the GOAT. lol
In the end he knew there was no more risk of him infecting others than anyone vax'd and he was spot on correct. And you know it too .
Novak has a very strict diet regimen which does not include putting what he considers poison in his body, right or wrong.

isn't it illegal to use performance enhancing drugs?

Some are illegal, but most are not. There is certainly nothing illegal about running your body to exhaustion, and destroying your immune system. It might be ill advised, but not illegal.

Most ...the vast athletes are just in great shape and take very good care of themselves...

Not in the real world.
Some are illegal, but most are not. There is certainly nothing illegal about running your body to exhaustion, and destroying your immune system. It might be ill advised, but not illegal.

Not in the real world.
yes... in the real world..the vast majority take very good care of themselves... it's absolutely necessary.. if you were a signed professional you would know that... sorry it didn't work out for you...
sorry it didn't work out for you...

Other things worked for me. It would have been cool to be a professional athlete for a while, but I had an injury. Maybe I was lucky, the breaking down of the body to be an athlete is not good for it over the long term.
Other things worked for me. It would have been cool to be a professional athlete for a while, but I had an injury. Maybe I was lucky, the breaking down of the body to be an athlete is not good for it over the long term.

They're a lot of strategies for athletes to stay healthy... serious athletes realize this... and plan and train accordingly injury can happen to anyone...
Bottom line... there was no reason to ban Djokovic from competition... there are hundreds of thousands of people allowed in this country every day who are a much greater risk to our population... worry about them... I wish someone would...