APP - Do biological viruses actually exist?

This is inane, they literally can isolate the DNA from the virus, this ignores advances in DNA we use daily. This is the equivalent of ignoring the big blue marble image taken by an astronaut while he was orbiting the Moon. They can isolate the virus as it exits, they can isolate its DNA from the original DNA of the cell, it uses the cell to multiply so it can infect more cells... replicating itself by hijacking the mitosis process in the cell.

Folks like this will literally go out on a lake, prove the curvature of the Earth on accident and then pretend it was the experiment that was flawed rather than their ill conceived hypothesis.
The whole point is the deniers set up one test that is impossible to meet and then declare that because no one can meet their impossible test it doesn't exist. In order to do this they have to ignore all the other evidence that shows it to exist. One example is the silly argument that because a PCR test only looks for certain sequences of the viruses RNA then the PCR test isn't actually finding the virus.

Scott was here 6 months ago promoting the same nonsense. We'll probably see him back here again in another 6 months to a year doing this all over again.
The whole point is the deniers set up one test that is impossible to meet and then declare that because no one can meet their impossible test it doesn't exist. In order to do this they have to ignore all the other evidence that shows it to exist. One example is the silly argument that because a PCR test only looks for certain sequences of the viruses RNA then the PCR test isn't actually finding the virus.

Scott was here 6 months ago promoting the same nonsense. We'll probably see him back here again in another 6 months to a year doing this all over again.
It always makes me laugh... It takes all types I guess.