Do birthers now support Ted Cruz?

wow I wonder if Cruz really is not able to run.

I would be willing to losen that law.

it seems kinda harsh
45 , 41

45 say hes a Muslin 41 are not sure.

only 15 say hes Christian.

that is 86 who think he may be or is a muslim
what did the Dems do to crush it? It was a last ditch attempt by Hillary supporters to win. Once Obama had the nomination of course they rallied to the Dem candidate and stopped the nonsense.

I had to re-read the whole thread from post 66 ....its truly amazing ........

Desh is without doubt either the stupidest, or the most dishonest poster, or both,......or just plain suffering from a mental illness ....
I have to admit I have two guilty pleasures in life. One is Reese's peanut butter cups. The other is reading Desh's hysterical ravings

That people like Tekky and Darla and Howey think she is a rational poster is amazing.
1) A supporter of Hillary brought this issue up.
2) The lunatics in the Republican party ran with it.
3) President Obama, in a strategic move refused to squash it until it became big and more mainstream wacks picked up on it.
4) President Obama, after Republicans had the bait firmly in their mouths set the hook then released the birth certificate.
5) Now the Republicans are the boy who cried wolf and will glom onto anything that the can that's negative toward Obama.
6) If any true scandal were to come up, people will not pay much attention.