APP - Do Conservatives lack Freewill

As opposed to the current good days? What an interesting argument; one that suggests that we should embrace failure and not go back to what has worked.

right, the current 'good days' are a result of the shrubs poor administration, a financial disaster, and two unpaid for wars

plus the repug blockage of any stimulus (except for the one proposed by shrub) or infrastructure improvements

yep, the repugs have done their best to facilitate the current 'good days'

oh well
I believe that God only grants what you are willing to reach out and take. In a society where people increasingly depend upon the state for their food, housing, and education I find it ironic that you accuse those who wish to increase self-reliance as focusing upon an external locus of control.

I like that sentiment, re: God. Do you mean that it also extends into the infringement on the rights of others tho? (I'm thinking no, but figured I should ask.)

It also supports staying out of other people's private lives...that someone can choose suicide, for example, or euthanasia. Or gay marriage (with or without recognition by the govt.)

If that is a Republican/conservative view (God granting what you are willing to reach out and take)....why so much interference and attempts at increasing govt by creating laws regarding such things?
right, the current 'good days' are a result of the shrubs poor administration, a financial disaster, and two unpaid for wars

There you go again with the painfully stupid and false DNC talking points. You just cannot help yourself can you? But hey, the Democrats need uninformed voters like you to stay elected; Yay you!

The financial disaster can be placed directly at the feet of Dimwitted Democrats who, when this impending disaster was debated in the House, they shrieked racism. Would you like to see the video....again?

As for unpaid for wars, nothing could be more repugnantly ignorant or false. The wars were being paid for; they are called deficits. But when idiots were duped into putting Democrats back into the majority in 2006, the deficit was a mere $161 billion which quickly ballooned to over $1.4 trillion, and NO, it wasn't because of the economic collapse, it was because of the failed $850 billion stimulus and the penchant Democrats have to spend and use a disaster to further their failed ideological objectives.

plus the repug blockage of any stimulus (except for the one proposed by shrub) or infrastructure improvements

Another fascinatingly stupid claim; Obama and his majority House and Senate passed an $850 billion plus package of pork laden stimulus. It did NOTHING to improve the economy. Then with that massive spending failure, they now argue that $550 billion more will do what $850 billion plus couldn't do.

Now I ask you; what could be MORE retarded than arguments like these?

Here's another question to simplify it for uninformed dullards; if Governments could just SPEND their way out of recessions printing money they don't have, why then do we have recessions. It has been tried time and time again in third world countries and Europe but failed miserably. Why do fools and dullards think that THIS time, they just might work?

Simple; because people really are THAT stupid.

yep, the repugs have done their best to facilitate the current 'good days'

oh well

I am amused by the painfully stupid and ignorant dullard claims that Obama, the President, and the Senate, run by Democrats, are blameless in the malaise they have caused.

But there is a simple explanation why people make such incredibly stupid claims; people who make them really are THAT stupid.
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I like that sentiment, re: God. Do you mean that it also extends into the infringement on the rights of others tho? (I'm thinking no, but figured I should ask.)

It also supports staying out of other people's private lives...that someone can choose suicide, for example, or euthanasia. Or gay marriage (with or without recognition by the govt.)

If that is a Republican/conservative view (God granting what you are willing to reach out and take)....why so much interference and attempts at increasing govt by creating laws regarding such things?

I am curious how an effort to keep the Government out of the abortion debate which was caused by an activist Supreme Court and gay marriage, another effort by activist jurists, are infringement on rights?

You mistake the Constitutional efforts to prevent the Federal Government from deciding these matters and deferring them to the States where those rights are reserved as being an infringement.

It is far from that. Where does it say in the Constitution that it is the Federal Governments duty to determine who should get an abortion and when? Where does it say in the Constitution that marriage is a right?

The problem isn't coming from the right, but from an activist Marxist left view that wants the Federal Government to be the ultimate "decider" and "arbiter" of what is fair and intrusion into we, the sheeples, lives because they were unable to have any success at the STATE level.

When gay marriage was placed on the ballots of every State that had them, the majority overwhelmingly said no. This wasn't good enough for the leftist activists desperate to shove their values and views onto every segment of the population so they went to brain dead jurists who make law from the bench and the Feds to shove this one size fits all bullshit down EVERYONES throats.

You're a confused Democrat who simplistically parrots DNC talking points completely clueless of what it is you are saying. The activism is coming from the LEFT, not the RIGHT.

Try to get something right for a change.
I am curious how an effort to keep the Government out of the abortion debate which was caused by an activist Supreme Court and gay marriage, another effort by activist jurists, are infringement on rights?

You mistake the Constitutional efforts to prevent the Federal Government from deciding these matters and deferring them to the States where those rights are reserved as being an infringement.

It is far from that. Where does it say in the Constitution that it is the Federal Governments duty to determine who should get an abortion and when? Where does it say in the Constitution that marriage is a right?

Certain things should not go to any vote...those things protected by the Constitution. Abortion is an infringement on a woman's right to privacy, the pursuit of happiness, and even her life.

Marriage of any kind should not be under the purview of the govt. But since it is, discrimination and equal rights ARE under the purview of the govt...and so again, that infringement needs to be prevented.
There you go again with the painfully stupid and false DNC talking points. You just cannot help yourself can you? But hey, the Democrats need uninformed gullible dimwits like you to stay elected;


Dont you get tired of writing this? Or is it a cut and paste? Why dont you just add it to your signature and save yourself some (completely wasted) effort?

It's your OPINION and you are welcome to it. You can see how effective it is, lololol. No one takes offense at that nonsense, no one takes it seriously.

A common paraphrased quote and cogent definition of 'stupid': Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

How's that opinion working out for you?
Certain things should not go to any vote...those things protected by the Constitution. Abortion is an infringement on a woman's right to privacy, the pursuit of happiness, and even her life.

Abortion is an infringement of a right? How does an abortion infringe?

Abortions can make a woman happy? How so?

Marriage of any kind should not be under the purview of the govt.

I agree; so then why support activists who are desperately trying to make it one?

But since it is, discrimination and equal rights ARE under the purview of the govt...and so again, that infringement needs to be prevented.

But it is not discrimination under the purview of the Government and any Government intrusion in those rights can easily be resolved by simply removing Government from the marriage equation.
Abortion is an infringement of a right? How does an abortion infringe?

Abortions can make a woman happy? How so?

Please see my posts on pages 3 - 5, starting with post #43. Outlined very nicely.

I agree; so then why support activists who are desperately trying to make it one?

But it is not discrimination under the purview of the Government and any Government intrusion in those rights can easily be resolved by simply removing Government from the marriage equation.

Completely agree they should remove govt from that equation, & then you also wouldnt need the activists.

Dont you get tired of writing this? Or is it a cut and paste? Why dont you just add it to your signature and save yourself some (completely wasted) effort?

This is like saying; don't you get tired of exposing stupidity? No, I never tire of exposing the repugnant ignorance of dimwits.

It's your OPINION and you are welcome to it.

If this is true; why do you waste my time lecturing me on how I should post? Are you that BIG of a hypocrite exhibiting your feigned selective outrage?

You can solve your dilemma by placing me on ignore.

You can see how effective it is, lololol. No one takes offense at that nonsense, no one takes it seriously.

Do you actually think that you can change people’s mind on a political forum; particularly the brain dead leftist dullards that infest this forum with their repugnant stupidity? Then you are not a smart as I originally thought.
Do you come here to change people’s mind? REALLY?

A common paraphrased quote and cogent definition of 'stupid': Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Wrong; that would be the cogent definition of retarded. Kind of like what the dullard leftists and this buffoon of a President do and argue for all the time.

How's that opinion working out for you?

How's yours working for you? Change anyone's mind on here lately? Of course you haven't; nor will you. But you might just be stupid enough to think you can.

Here's my view; I come on here to debate with lefttards who blather the internet with lies, distortions and repugnant ignorance. I know that one cannot change a small mind that is already made up and selectively chooses partisan information sources that will support their dim bulb naive view of the world.

I come here because is it un-moderated and can say exactly what I think about such dullard views and arguments while supporting mine with facts, reality and common sense.

Here are a few:

FACT: one cannot legislate equality.

FACT: the tax code is an abomination that is used by corrupt professional politicians to dupe gullible idiots into voting for them.

FACT: The Constitution is the most brilliant document of Governance invented by man and a strict interpretation and adherence to that document ensures our prosperity and liberty.

Unfortunately, dimwitted dullards with the historical knowledge of a lemming have difficulty wrapping their small minds around these historically proven facts and realities so I like to be a constant reminder of how stupid and repugnantly ignorant their Marxist memes and canards are.

Is there anything else you might be confused about? You may now place me on ignore, or if not, please refrain from trying to lecture me on how I might be more effective. Trust me, I have been on blogs a very long time and gentleness is not what dullards need. They need a good hard slap on their thick myopic heads; think of my posts as the hand that slaps them.

Who knows; after being slapped long enough, they might actually have a coherent thought and snap out of their dullard pathetic unhappy existence and get that Government is not actually a good thing; but a necessary evil that needs to be limited in scope and kept in the genie bottle.

Carry on! I love you!
Wow, lots of words, lots of effort, lots of wrong assumptions. Esp. what I 'expect' from the Internet.

And why should I resort to ignore? I chose to give you a quick, public service announcement. You can continue your verbal I mentioned, it harms no one.

Edit: and btw, this is the section of the forum where you are not supposed to name call and insult other posters. Did you forget that? Me, I've just been trying to be helpful. :) Save you a little time and effort.
Wow, lots of words, lots of effort, lots of wrong assumptions. Esp. what I 'expect' from the Internet.

And why should I resort to ignore? I chose to give you a quick, public service announcement. You can continue your verbal I mentioned, it harms no one.

I am amused that you felt compelled to give me your blessing. How thoughtful of you. All this time I was sitting here wondering if Lorca approved of my posting style or would she admonish how harsh they can be to dimwits.

I feel very relieved now; thank you again.

I was wrong; you really aren't THAT smart.

Edit: and btw, this is the section of the forum where you are not supposed to name call and insult other posters. Did you forget that? Me, I've just been trying to be helpful. :) Save you a little time and effort.

Where have I name-called or insulted anyone personally?

I was wrong; you really aren't THAT smart.
There you go again with the painfully stupid and false DNC talking points. You just cannot help yourself can you? But hey, the Democrats need uninformed gullible dimwits like you to stay elected;


But you're a painfully ignorant uninformed dimwit; how could one expect you to actually think? You really are THAT stupid.

Now I ask you; what could be MORE retarded than arguments like these? But alas, you're a painfully ignorant uninformed dimwit; how could one expect you to actually think?

Here's another question to simplify it for uninformed dullards like you;

Simple; because people like you really are THAT stupid.

But there is a simple explanation why you make such incredibly stupid claims; you really are THAT stupid.

Now run along and play on some train tracks dimwit. You glaring ignorance and hyper partisan bloviating are repugnant.

Where have I name-called or insulted anyone personally?

I was wrong; you really aren't THAT smart.

I'm not that smart?

I'm not that smart?


I assumed that you were talking about my responses to YOU.

Of course, when someone is debating with you, you do tend to wander all over the place and seldom talk about the thread topic or contain anything that could be mistaken for substance.

Yes, that SINGULAR post was insulting and doesn't belong on this forum; but this is what happens when one debates really stupid lose patience and call it as you see it.

Now did you have anything to add to the forum topic, or do you want to wander way off the reservation and make it all about me?
Now did you have anything to add to the forum topic, or do you want to wander way off the reservation and make it all about me?

I accept your contrition.

I have contributed quite a bit to the thread, feel free to jump back in with actual responses anytime.
It isn't worth consideration, it is simply poor conjecture hoping to make you feel better about yourself.

Please tell me/us what isn't worth consideration? '[P]oor conjecture hoping to make you feel better about yourself?' That has to rate near the top of pop psychology thought gone haywire, WTF are you talking about?
Please tell me/us what isn't worth consideration? '[P]oor conjecture hoping to make you feel better about yourself?' That has to rate near the top of pop psychology thought gone haywire, WTF are you talking about?

I was looking for a thread and came upon this thread topic. Given the fact Trump has contradicted every value the conservatives espouse it would seem my OP was right on target.

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza