Do Democrats Comprehend?

I realize the short answer to this, is "no." One need only look at the day-to-day conversations with pinheads who can't comprehend basic language. I am wondering, after listening to the enthused and energized liberal leaders espouse the liberal mantra for a few days, and reading some of the arguments and debates on this board, if they really understand and comprehend what this election meant, or what they won.

It seems that some pinheads actually think, this election was a vote of confidence for Bush Bashers, to continue criticizing, bashing, and trashing the president for another two years. Sort of like a Gold Star for good effort. That this election, merely extends the calls for 'change' until '08, when the Democrats can hold the White House too. In other words, they think the American people voted for no change, just partisan positioning toward bigger change in '08. America voted to allow Democrats to position themselves for a complete control of all bodies, not to change anything now. They will even tell you, they can't change anything, they can merely suggest change to the president. Sort of like they were doing already, just with chairman titles now.

On Iraq, we find post after post on thread after thread, since the elections, which sound exactly like the posts before the elections. There is little change. Other than having a little more confidence in their voices, we hear the same exact rhetorical arguments, and pointless discussion of why we shouldn't have gone into Iraq and how Bush is incompetent, and this is an unjust war.

It's as if the Pinheads don't understand, the now Democrat Congress has the sole Constitutional authority to wage wars, not the President. The American people cited Iraq as their first concern, and put Democrats in charge of Congress on the promise of "change." Murtha and Pelosi think an immediate redeployment is in order, so is this the "change" people voted for? We can't really have a debate or discussion on it, because pinheads seem to be stuck in the past, pre-election, and just want to keep bashing and criticizing Bush for going in the first place. You won the argument, we have moved on to a different one.

The people didn't vote for two more years of criticism and whining about Bush, if that was what they wanted, they would have re-elected Republicans. The people voted for change, and primarily, in Iraq. So, let's have it... what is going to change? Rumy is gone, Bolton is probably gone too, and hey... maybe we can get that nice Tom Daschle to wear his pink tie and go up to the UN? He would fit right in, wouldn't he? But... When is the vote for defunding? When are the troops coming home? Why can't they call a special session, and get them home for the Holiday's? Those are questions the pinheads don't seem to want to answer, yet that is what they ran on, and that is apparently why the American people elected them into power.

Every now and then, you catch a fleeting glimpse of a pinhead who almost comprehends. Nancy Pelosi said, "we were elected, and now we will be expected to show results." ...Oh sure, we already hear of plans to dice up the Bush tax cuts and raise the minimum wage, pay for pinhead insurance, school and daycare... whatever the fuck else pinheads can think to spend our money on. The issue was Iraq, not liberalism. Six of ten voters said, they prefer a smaller government, or less government spending. Most of the Democrats who knocked off Republicans, were conservative Democrats, running on conservative principles, the primary issue was Iraq and Bush policy.

Democrats are poised to make the same mistake Republicans made in 1996, in believing this election was some sort of ideological shift in American thinking. America didn't turn Liberal, they wanted "CHANGE" in Iraq! Two more years of the same old rhetoric, and over-blown reactionary spewing, is not change. Two years of liberal federal mandates, tax increases, and regulations, are not the "change" the American people supported on Tuesday. Perhaps we need to make them a sign... It's the Iraq War, Stupid!
They're waiting for the talking points so they'll know what the plan is. This way they don't have to put themselves out with their own plans for getting the military out of Iraq magically without leaving the nation open to a takeover by extremists.
I get my "talking points" from no one. This election was a spanking for the republicans. period. America punished them for being incompetent and inept and corrupt..and most of all, they punished them for the Iraq war which the majority of Americans believe does not make us any safer and, in fact, is counterproductive to our war against islamic extremism. The non-foreign policy issues such as social security reform and tax policy and will continue to be moved incrementally one way or the other as they have been for the last century.... with the general trend over that time toward the left. Republicans were voted out of congress as a message to the Bush administration that the public is deeply dissatisfied with their performance. If the public could have voted Bush out of office on Tuesday instead of all his congresssional enablers, they undoubtedly would have.

Democrats have two years to show America that they can govern from the middle...and that they can provide congressional oversight for the inept administration that those voters will not have the opportunity to replace until 2008..... and at that time, democrats will propose a clear alternative to more republican ineptitude...and hopefully, America will like what they have seen from us in the two years we have...and they will be made well aware of the skunk stench from Bush that will permeate any republican candidate .... and we'll see how things go in '08. I give us pretty good odds at this point!
the president called it a "thumping".... Newt said that republicans should realize that they got their asses handed to them...but write.... pounding the koolaid by the gallon continues to wave the flag.

good for you.

good for you.

what a loser.
Democrats have two years to show America that they can govern from the middle...and that they can provide congressional oversight for the inept administration that those voters will not have the opportunity to replace until 2008..... and at that time, democrats will propose a clear alternative to more republican ineptitude...and hopefully...

Hope in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up faster. Govern "in the middle"? Why do Liberals feel compelled to do that? I thought America had awaken to the vast wisdom of Liberalism, and wanted Socialist Utopia? You know... tax the rich, feed the poor... pay for all the school and healthcare... these are not "middle" ideas?

So, what you are saying is, America just elected a Democrat Congress, not on change, but on oversight. That all they really expect with regard to Iraq policy, is that Democrats will have oversight? I don't think so, and I don't think they will be content with the growing death toll in Iraq for two more years, while your party controls Congress, and not hold you responsible for not "changing" a thing.

For the past 3 years, we've heard how Democrats wouldn't have done it, we've heard how they could have handled it differently, we've heard how they could do it better, faster, smarter... we've heard they have a plan. Well, okay, Smart Guys... you are in charge now! Let's have it!

Does Bush need to appoint a Committee of Pinheads... Wesley Clark, John Kerry, John McCain, and Hillary, to form our day-to-day policy? What the hell is "The Plan" for Iraq? Is there even a consistent answer to this, among the Pinhead masses? Or has this all just been a bunch of hot air? That's what your response sounds like to me... hot air!
no..we are not in charge....your guy is still the commander in chief..... we are in the majority of the legislative branch...the military falls under the executive branch.... the foreign policy of this nation is run by the executive branch with oversight from the legislature.

Do they teach civics in alabama?
I believe that those that think there is going to be this "middle" are going to be shocked. Already we have people running for President. The Parties will be positioning themselves for that, and working together will never be part of the plan when those type of politics come in...
no..we are not in charge....your guy is still the commander in chief..... we are in the majority of the legislative branch...the military falls under the executive branch.... the foreign policy of this nation is run by the executive branch with oversight from the legislature.

Do they teach civics in alabama?
Funding is 100% by the Congress. Pretending they don't have the power to influence whether the military stays in Iraq is disingenuous.
and part of that oversight will be hearings that will illuminate the extent of the ineptitude and prevarication by the republicans running this stupid war such that America will be rightfully hesitant to let another one of you step in to fill dubya's position. THEN..with the executive branch and the congress in our hands, THEN we'll show you some ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.

Part of our oversight will be to make America aware of the skunk stench that permeates all of your presidential wannabes.

Doesn't that just piss you off? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Do they teach civics in alabama?

Yes the do, and according to our copy of the Constitution, it is Congress who controls matters of war, not the President. We bought our books from a Northeastern publisher, so it's possible that could be a mistake, but I think I have seen it on the Internet too.
Funding is 100% by the Congress. Pretending they don't have the power to influence whether the military stays in Iraq is disingenuous.

when did I ever say that we did not have the power to influence?

I just took issue with DIxie's bullshit claim that we are "in charge" now.
Pretty much, you can more than influence it. Defunding a war would effectively end it. You have the power to end it.
Do they teach civics in alabama?

Yes the do, and according to our copy of the Constitution, it is Congress who controls matters of war, not the President. We bought our books from a Northeastern publisher, so it's possible that could be a mistake, but I think I have seen it on the Internet too.

if this were a declared war, you would have a point...but congress, under YOUR party's control, ceded authority to use force in Iraq to the little cowboy.

There will be some changes in Iraq as a result of our victory on Tuesday...and if you don't think that Rummy's replacement is one such result you are crazy.

There will be more too..and my guess is that it will be Dubya who will be backpedallling and making those changes just so he won't have to suffer the indignity of having a democratic congress foist them on him.

And I really don't care about that. America knows it is Bush's war and they don't like it.... democrats will do all they can to get us out of there as quickly as possible, but it will always be Bush's will always be the albatross that you all hung around your own necks.
Part of our oversight will be to make America aware

Oh, you already did this, people are aware, it was demonstrated on Tuesday. America put you in power for action. Change requires action, and that is what people expect, not two years of investigations and impeachment hearings on Bush. If your party decides to turn the next two years into Revenge For Clinton, instead of effectively leading on Iraq policy, America will drop you like a bad habit in '08.
Pretty much, you can more than influence it. Defunding a war would effectively end it. You have the power to end it.

as I guess is that Bush will listen to the Baker group and end it himself.... and we certainly want to end it in a responsible fashion regardless. We have never been the party of cut and run regardless of how we were portrayed by the right....and boy, didn't that backfire on your asses on tuesday????
Part of our oversight will be to make America aware

Oh, you already did this, people are aware, it was demonstrated on Tuesday. America put you in power for action. Change requires action, and that is what people expect, not two years of investigations and impeachment hearings on Bush. If your party decides to turn the next two years into Revenge For Clinton, instead of effectively leading on Iraq policy, America will drop you like a bad habit in '08.

Dixie...haven't you learned your lesson about prognostication? Your suggestion that America will do anything is a clear cut indication that exactly the opposite will occur!

Really..... give it up. You suck at it.
as I guess is that Bush will listen to the Baker group and end it himself.... and we certainly want to end it in a responsible fashion regardless. We have never been the party of cut and run regardless of how we were portrayed by the right....and boy, didn't that backfire on your asses on tuesday????
Not talking about the main things that the R voters wanted to have happen is what happened to the Rs on Tuesday.

Border security? An unfunded fence? Not talking about it at all? Spendthrift practices? Not talking about how that would immediately end... so on.
democrats will do all they can to get us out of there as quickly as possible

When? How? Tell us about your plan for this!

America elected your party to power, because 3,000 Americans have died in this war, and things are not getting better over there. They voted you into power, to change it! They are not going to be content with your failure to deliver change in Iraq, or your boisterous commentary on total political domination. They will not be content with two years of bashing Bush and trying to destroy him completely, no one who really cares about the soldiers dying in Iraq, thinks this is more important. People voted for change in Iraq, and now you have to deliver, and if you fail to deliver, and don't do so successfully, your party will not win in '08.
the president called it a "thumping".... Newt said that republicans should realize that they got their asses handed to them...but write.... pounding the koolaid by the gallon continues to wave the flag.

good for you.

good for you.

what a loser.

So nice to see your sources for truth are now Bush and Newt.....thats hilarious......good for you....
but the FACT remains....for a 6th year election, it wasn't even average...