Do Democrats Comprehend?

And I've got news for you, no one is EVER always wrong, and the odds of me being right, become greater each time I am wrong, sooner or later I am going to be right. Not that I think I've been wrong about very much, but you believe that, so just remember what I said, the odds are, this will not always be the case.

You are free to think America elected Democrats because they want Liberalism in government, I hope the fuck you idiots continue down that road! In fact, I am counting on you doing this, because it will help to usher in a new era of Conservatism. I don't need to hear your tired old liberal arguments again, I've heard them over and over, I've argued them over and over, and frankly, there is nothing to be gained by further discussing them with you.

I would suggest you start realizing, your party won a razor-thin election, they won on the sole issue of Iraq, and because conservatives abandoned their principles. They did not win a mandate to push forward a liberal agenda, and that is how they are acting, and it's how you are talking. Of course, no one can tell your hard headed ass that, you will not hear of it, you are convinced that most of America agrees with your liberal idiocy, and you're fucking out of your liberal mind.
"And I've got news for you, no one is EVER always wrong"

I disagree with that. When someone (you) has a starting point of being a 100% koolaid drinking partisan, every opinion goes through that filter, and any relevant facts unfortunately do not make it through that process.

You don't "speak for America", anymore, Dix. Your side just got its arse handed to it in an election - where 3 months ago, I would have been laughed off the board if I predicted the Dems taking both houses of Congress. This was supposed to be your favorable Senate gets a lot harder in '08.

The election was about Iraq, but America doesn't expect Congress to only address that & be done with it. Part of the reason the GOP got trounced is the image of a "do nothing" Congress on pressing issues that can't wait much longer. If you don't think healthcare is one of those, you should refrain from voting in future elections; you're not qualified.
wanna bet that Bush doesn't dare veto a minimum wage increase?

we'll see how "far left" the idea of increasing the minimum wage after ten years seems to Americans...
" I hope the fuck you idiots continue down that road! In fact, I am counting on you doing this, because it will help to usher in a new era of Conservatism"

Why would you hope for that? Didn't you say that the GOP works better in the minority?
And I've got news for you, no one is EVER always wrong, and the odds of me being right, become greater each time I am wrong, sooner or later I am going to be right. Not that I think I've been wrong about very much, but you believe that, so just remember what I said, the odds are, this will not always be the case.

Dixie: a stopped clock is right twice a day!

And you need to know that just because you cannot bring yourself to admit that you have been wrong about very much, does not mean that you haven't been.....

YOU were certain that the compassionate religious right would remember Terri Schiavo and that the democrats position of letting Florida take care of its own business would come back to haunt those democrats on election day. You were wrong.

YOU were certain that the republican senators would invoke the nuclear option.... YOu were wrong.

You were certain that the democrats wouldn't pick up seats in the midterm election... and you were wrong.

Hell.... we can go back to your being sure that John Kerry had violated terms of the Geneva Convention in Vietnam that hadn't even been written yet.....

and you were wrong.... you are wrong all the time. I know of only one prediction of yours that came true and I could write a book about all the ones that have failed to come true.

and please... democrats really don't need any of your "suggestions". I would alternatively "suggest" that you just shut your yapper.
wanna bet that Bush doesn't dare veto a minimum wage increase?

Bush isn't a conservative! No doubt, Bush is going to pass whatever liberal bullshit comes down the pike, he's practically a liberal himself. That is the frustrating problem for conservatives, and one of the main reasons Republicans lost this election.

The election was about Iraq, but America doesn't expect Congress to only address that & be done with it.

Well yeah, I think that is precisely why America elected Democrats to power, and it had not a damn thing to do with Liberalism. Your problem is, assuming you know what America expects, and being totally full of shit.
From the Dixie "bite you in the ass" hall of fame:

On Santorum's WMD 'discovery' (didn't help Santorum much, either): "You have been through this before, so why are you going through it again? We are no longer discussing what the mission in Iraq was! Pinheads have hung their hat on, and insisted on, making this war totally about the WMD's... well... now it's going to bite you in the ass big time, because, guess fucking what? We found them!"

On criticizing Bush for things like Abu Gharib: "Perhaps, but what does that say about whether they care if Bush "lied us into war" while everyone nodded in agreement or they will blame the democrats for making it into a national story that harms our reputation and credibility? Abu Grahib, Gitmo, NSA leaks, constant undermining of every aspect in the war on terror is going to bite you in the ass, only you don't realize it yet. "

On Democratic criticism of Republican corruption: "You go ahead and pick up this rock to hurl at republicans, but don't be surprised by what comes slithering out from under that rock to bite you in the ass."

On the Iraq War & Bush's low poll #'s: "Bush didn't "bullshit" anyone. The only people who LIED leading up to the war, were Saddam Hussein, and Joe Wilson! The Congress had the same access to the same intelligence, and I posted their quotes above, go read them! They supported the actions Bush took, until the going got tough and they saw a political opportunity to exploit it! This will come back to bite you in the ass, mark my words. You've misread the low Bush poll numbers again, you've assumed the war is the reason and it's not. If anything, high gas prices and the failure of Republicans to stand firm on Conservative principles, as well as the border issue, is why Bush has low approval ratings now. But keep slurping the Michael Moore Kool-Aid, and keep hammering this message home! People are going to be so ready to vote your inept asses out of office it will blow your mind, and I will be happy as hell to watch it happen to you again. "
You don't "speak for America", anymore, Dix. Your side just got its arse handed to it in an election

I never have thought that I spoke for America, idiot. I speak for Dixie! My side lost minimal control of Congress by no more than 2-3% in most campaigns, hardly getting their arse handed to them. If you want to pretend this was some huge Landslide of Liberalism, you go right ahead, you will be proven wrong. The mistake you Liberals want to keep making, is thinking that YOU and YOU alone, speak for ALL of America! You think that since you won power by a few percent, it somehow renders half of America irrelevant, and you have no need to even listen to them anymore. We live in a democratic society, and despite you winning an election, it doesn't give you empirical power to control the world.
Yeah - I'm sure you felt that way when Bush squeaked by in both elections, and actually lost the popular vote in 2000. That's exactly how you've been talking for the past 6 years.

Enjoy a nice long run in the minority, Dix...
Oncie, you can go back and pull up pre-election quotes from me for the next two years, but I really don't think that is doing a thing to solve problems or address issues. In fact, it seems an awful lot like arrogant self-aggrandizing bluster, that will never solve any problem in America.

Voters didn't go to the polls and elect Democrats to power, because they wanted to make Dixie look bad on a message board. Why does that seem to be your main concern in life?
Oncie, you can go back and pull up pre-election quotes from me for the next two years, but I really don't think that is doing a thing to solve problems or address issues. In fact, it seems an awful lot like arrogant self-aggrandizing bluster, that will never solve any problem in America.

Voters didn't go to the polls and elect Democrats to power, because they wanted to make Dixie look bad on a message board. Why does that seem to be your main concern in life?

It's hardly my main concern, but in any debate with you where you promise that something will "bite Dems in the ass," your past comments to that effect bear some relevance, particularly when every single one of them turned out to be wrong.

I know it's tough for you to see your own misbegotten words thrown back in your face, but maybe you can learn from them. Perhaps you can see this as an opportunity to change your entire way of thinking, since it has worked out so poorly for you in the past. Clearly, you don't have any clue what will or won't bite Democrats in the ass....
DIXIE: "they (the Dems) DIDN'T win on the agenda they are presently trying to advance, and it will come back to bite them in the ass!

"Newsweek Poll: Americans Love A Democratic Agenda"

The American public supports their proposed "First 100 Hours" agenda.

-An overwhelming majority says allowing the government to negotiate lower drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies should be a top priority for a Democratic Congress (74 percent, including 70 percent of Republicans);

-68 percent want increasing the minimum wage to be a top priority, including 53 percent of Republicans;

-62 percent want investigating impropriety by members of Congress to be a top priority;

-and 58 percent want investigating government contracts in Iraq to be a top priority.

-Fifty-two percent say investigating why we went to war in Iraq should be a top priority (25 percent say it should a lower priority and 19 percent say it shouldn't be done.)
Yeah - I'm sure you felt that way when Bush squeaked by in both elections, and actually lost the popular vote in 2000. That's exactly how you've been talking for the past 6 years.

Enjoy a nice long run in the minority, Dix...

Oh, I did feel that way, it's precisely why I gave him a pass on letting Ted Kennedy butcher the Ed Bill, and why I put up with all the massive government spending on whateverthefuck came down the pike. I told myself for 4 years, he doesn't have a choice, he has to go along with the liberals on this or that, because he needs their support on Iraq and the war on terror. I gave Bush pass after pass on conservative principles, because I understood he was barely in power, and I realized he probably had to make some compromises to stay there. I think most Bush supporters felt the same way, and I think the final straw was probably the Guest Worker program, instead of strong border security.

I don't anticipate being in the minority for long, since I am not in the minority in America, 60% of us are conservative, not liberal. We are not represented in Washington, because Democrats are Socialists, and Republicans are Democrats. Rest assured, the "minority" status, is temporary.
cypress: You bet maineman $100 dollars that the Dems wouldn't pick up a single seat in congress

Dixie: No lie... Again, I am correct, you are incorrect.... *sigh* it's getting too easy! I made a bet, and readily admitted I would probably lose the bet, I didn't 'predict' anything. It would have been a rather 'historical first' if Republicans had gained seats in this election.

July 2005:

-MAINEMAN: I bet you that the Democrats will have more members of their party in the House of Representatives and in the Senate AFTER the midterm elections than they do now. Gonna back away from that bet or are we still on?

-DIXIE, July 2005: Thanks for clarification maine, and no, I am not trying to wiggle out of anything, but I am a little concerned about your financial situation... looks like you may need to secure a loan to pay off when you lose, and you're still running your mouth!

I'm sort of like Grind, I don't know anything for certain, and I could very well lose this bet, but it should make things interesting. I agree with Ihate, it is highly against the odds, which is why I am not making the bet with any and all takers... sorry Ihate, I can't afford it if I lose.

People will say... well Dixie, why did you make a bet against the odds? My reasoning is, the democrats are moving backwards... it's a trend. Yes, it will be unprcidented, but not impossible, and with the current "message" I am hearing and seeing from the dems... I'll take that chance. They might luck out and pick up a seat or two in the house, but they'll probably lose a few in the Senate. I just don't see them having a platform strong enough to gain in both bodies at this time, and I don't think they are going to understand it until it's too late. Also, there is the fundraising game... which Howard Dean is sorely losing for the Dems... you can't win elections with no money. Couple that with no message or "reason" to vote for Dems other than hate for Bush, and I think it's a real possibility they will lose seats.

Dixie: No lie... Again, I am correct, you are incorrect.... *sigh* it's getting too easy! I made a bet, and readily admitted I would probably lose the bet, I didn't 'predict' anything. It would have been a rather 'historical first' if Republicans had gained seats in this election.

More Dixie prediction of republican victory in the Nov. 2006 elections:

-DIXIE, Nov. 2005: "I think you reach a point of 'diminishing returns' here... The left has already obtained all the hate-mongers, they've already drawn all the jealous and manipulative scumbags to support their cause... If you haven't bought into this alter-reality the Dems now live in, chances are, you aren't going to. Thus, some of the Kool-Aid drinkers are going to start to wake up... they will start to realize the Kool-Aid they are drinking is pure poison, and they have been played like fools for their votes. Subsequently, they will begin to drift toward 'independence' and if they don't swing their vote, they simply won't vote at all. Leaving the strong conservative base to show up as always, and knock it out of the park on election day!"