Do I need antivirus

Poor Beefy, mocked like this!

I would answer you seriously beefy, but I don't know the answer, sorry.

I have never been so humiliated in my life. Oh the woes of being vulnerable on the vast expanse of the internets. Maybe I should use the google?
I have never been so humiliated in my life. Oh the woes of being vulnerable on the vast expanse of the internets. Maybe I should use the google?

Well, you are into hot tubs! ;) Perfectly hospitable climes for all sorts of nasties!!!
Well, you are into hot tubs! ;) Perfectly hospitable climes for all sorts of nasties!!!

Not if you a Phoenix. That's out tag-line here at the carnival. Its brutal out here. I might have to actually get a job once I get to Hawaii. That sucks.

Anyhow, I got Norton, is that a good thing?
macs are very safe and super leet. you aren't going to have the same problems that you had on windows.
Grind, why don't you just go blow Steve Jobs.

Macs are super-fast because all you can do is stare at the opening screen. They don't run anything. They aren't meant for computing, really. Just to say "Hey, I have a MAC! Everyone come and give me a blowjob. I'm hip. Have you ever seen that commercial? The MAC guy was SOOOO much cooler than the PC guy. Hello? Hello? Someone love me..."
macs aren't meant for computing... lol... that's why it's built off of unix, come pre installed with python, php, apache etc.. not to mention that most software is compatible now especially with the new intel architecture... you have no clue what you are talking about.
It's better to use Unix centric programs on Unix operating system, but I run a lot of stuff on my computer that just can't be run by anything other than Windows. And to play games you'd either have to buy Cedega, or hack into Cedega, since DirectX obviously won't run native on a linux system. OpenGL will, but Microsoft put billions behind DirectX (at a time whenever it sucked, and OpenGL was by far a better interface) to catch up to OpenGL, apparently just so that they could have exclusive rights to it, which would prevent most games from running on other operating systems.

Still, Linux should be exactly the same thing as modern macs. You even have the same kind of processors as PC's now. This, ironically, makes the MAC IBM compatible, and therefore a PC.
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