Do I need antivirus

The first computer I ever wrote a program on was a PET computer. Copied the program onto cassette tapes. Took about an hour per 100 lines of code to record. fun stuff.

First computer I ever bought was the almighty Commodore 64. :)
Well you CLEARLY don't. Get a new job, you know nothing about computers.

yeah... which is why he has a website and you do not? Which is why he does it for a living, while you sit in your parents basement jerking off?

Water... you are young, which means you are not going to know as much as us on certain topics. Damo knows more by far with regards to computers than you currently do. As does US. But if it makes you feel better, you know more than I do with regards to computers. I am still searching for the "any" key.
Apparently google doesn't either:"SR2"+vista&btnG=Search

It has no mention of "service release" for Vista. It certainly has no mention of a "Serive release" Go away dumbass.
Service releases are simply the next publication. During the period between when the first releases are sold and the second burn and release of the software most of the holes in the security of their software are plugged and fixed with updates (which you run in your background). However each of these holes are "discovered" when they are exploited and fixed after the fact. I prefer to have most of them plugged then to purchase the software.

Now, whether you want to believe me or not, the SR2 will be out soon, and I will use Vista at that time.
Well you CLEARLY don't. Get a new job, you know nothing about computers.
You really do spout off on topics you know little about. You get Vista, like it, and then think you are an expert? Go away, or I'll taunt you a second time.

Oh! Sorry. Why didn't you just say the common term "OSR2"? I've never even bothered to look up what the words meant, just that it was an improved version of windows.
The first computer I ever wrote a program on was a PET computer. Copied the program onto cassette tapes. Took about an hour per 100 lines of code to record. fun stuff.

First computer I ever bought was the almighty Commodore 64. :)

My first one to buy was a Vic 20...
Then an Osborne CPM machine.

Oh! Sorry. Why didn't you just say the common term "OSR2"? I've never even bothered to look up what the words meant, just that it was an improved version of windows.
Because nobody I know uses the "common term", they say SR2.
How am I supposed to get "Operating system service release 2" out of "Service release 2"? Answer me that.

Damo, I'm going to be very happy whenever you've waited all of this time for a crappy OSR2 to come out and nothing has improved. Then I'm going to download the fixes. Hopefully you're XP computer won't be totally screwed by then, and you won't have to do an entire wipe of the hard drive.
How am I supposed to get "Operating system service release 2" out of "Service release 2"? Answer me that.

Damo, I'm going to be very happy whenever you've waited all of this time for a crappy OSR2 to come out and nothing has improved. Then I'm going to download the fixes. Hopefully you're XP computer won't be totally screwed by then, and you won't have to do an entire wipe of the hard drive.
LOL. My XPs are doing fine, and SR2 will be out soon.


I was speaking of the Operating System. When it does come out it will be marked "SR2", like it has always been. People use "SR2", nobody says "OSR2", first of all because the term works with any of their software, not just Operating Systems.

Each version of office also has SR2, and so forth. They are also marked SR2 on the CD you purchase if you get SR2.


I do not buy any of their software, for my own computers, until the SR2 is out it saves problems.
i see people recomending symantec (norton) vary good AV... maybe take a look at AVG antivirus or AVAST! antivirus, they are free and work quite well
i see people recomending symantec (norton) vary good AV... maybe take a look at AVG antivirus or AVAST! antivirus, they are free and work quite well

opps ... i am not sure that they support MAC's
lol i LOVE IT when watermark spaz's out especially when he doesn't have a clue about what he's saying.
i didn't say there would never be problems but they are considerably safer. Also, I would reason that even if it was 95% of the market share, it would still be safer and better than garbage windows.

Besides, vista has backdoors built in so the nsa can access your comp. I'm staying away from that

come on now.. you comparing backdoors now... osx is bulilt on a unix platform, just as many backdoors as windows...

damo is right

why would someone write virus for a mac ? it would be a waste of time, when writen for windows they know they will get it on many more systems.
One reason not to use the default windows mail system nor their browser. Helps a lot with avoiding virius.

I also use corporate Symantec antivirus and firewalls.

I have had one virius in 10 years or so. And it was passed on to me by some internal IT genusies....The I love you one....

I was wondering for a bit there if the military was testing their gay bomb.

Actually the first guy to send it to me was a devout apple user....hmmm