Do I need antivirus

I already have a couple of grand in my bank account, and I have a car with 150,000 miles on it. How far will that get me?

I am, unfortunately, attached by tedious things such as college, family, and the fact that I couldn't afford an apartment at all.
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In 5 years? Why would a buy an operating system at the point that the next one's just about to come out?
Because that's how long it takes for them to iron the wrinkles out.

Never be an "early adopter" of anything. I'm serious. As a developer, I try to learn the changes in the upcoming releases as early as possible, naturally. That's just the way the profession works, however. As a user, I follow Damo's wisdom.

Realistically, who really needs to have the latest and greatest OS? I certainly don't and I have better reason than most. If I have to install an initial release -- even an Apple release -- I always do it on a junk computer I don't really care about.
Just "expert" elitism. You don't know any more than the rest of us, you just make up stuff to make yourself seem smarter. :D

I'm not going to pay 200 dollars for XP to install on this computer because of sensationalist paranoia. It runs fine.
Macs are only safer because they are only a small section of the market, it stands to reason that if 95% of the market is Windows most hackers and viruses would be designed for Windows. However, there are some nasty worms and viruses out there designed for the Mac.

It is a myth that you will never have problems with Macs, I used to make about 10% of my money from repairing Macs when I used to run that business. Considering their share of market it is ridiculous to say that they have no problems. Unix doesn't make them "better" just more annoying. Thankfully OSX was designed to run more like Windows to begin with. Imagine being surpassed by the company who copied you to begin with.....
I'm going to disagree . . . but only to the degree of a quibble. A minor quibble, at that.

The Mac OS is intrinsically *slightly* less vulnerable to malicious exploits. It hasn't been cobbled together from bits of badly documented purchased code to quite the same extent as Windows. It's a very small advantage but it does exist.

Other than that, I agree with you entirely. :)
In Vista they were actually kind of worried about all the unnecessary re-coding that was being done...

They're replacing years and years of tested code with new stuff for little reason.
My first one to buy was a Vic 20...
Then an Osborne CPM machine.
Well, I'll join the Old Fart parade. I had a Vic 20. Also a Pet. I not only had a Commodore 64, I took one apart just for the . . . er, instructional value.

Here's a fun fact for y'all: when the Stanford superconducting particle accelerator was first run, the steering magnets were controlled by a battery of several hundred highly modified C64's. An early application of parallel processing.
Well, I'll join the Old Fart parade. I had a Vic 20. Also a Pet. I not only had a Commodore 64, I took one apart just for the . . . er, instructional value.

Here's a fun fact for y'all: when the Stanford superconducting particle accelerator was first run, the steering magnets were controlled by a battery of several hundred highly modified C64's. An early application of parallel processing.

Interesting how we have gone back to the serial bus for perhipherals ?
H2O, it is a sure bet that all women will swoon as you talk about how you got that triple roll on the 20 side dice that you were going for and give them step by step descriptions of your last Shadowland game, including word for word descriptions of conversations with the GM.

They love that stuff, you'll get laid in no time.
He's talking about those sensationilist reports of things lighting on fire. It's really an exageration - sometimes XBox's will overheat, but I've never heard about one "lighting on fire.

A PC for the same price as an XBox wouldn't be worth playing games on. But honestly, you're going to need a PC anyway. And upgrading a normal PC from "surfing the internet" standards to basic gaming standards costs about as much as an XBox 360 anyway. People who have an super-expensive PC really don't have much more than better graphics - if you don't know how to lower the setting to play a PC game, you're not smart enough for us. Also, PC games are cheaper. Consoles make up for the fact that they sell the base hardware at a loss by upping the price of the games.

"Far more fun"? Howso? I really like PC games, mostly because they don't automatically assume you're an idiot while you play them.

will i dissagree with you , people who do put more $ into their pc do have an advantage over people who dont, and no i am not talking about graphics, faster cpus, more memory better NICs you name it, it dose make a differance. as for an xbox or console everyone is limited to the same hardware, witch in the end makes it more even in terms of having an advantage or dissadvantage, on a console its about you skill not you bank roll or what you know about pc hardware and software. Plus on a pc people are able to minipulate many more aspects of the game enviroment, unlike a counsloe, not that it cant be done but far less likely to happen.

counsole dont assume that anyone is an idiot anymore then a pc.