Do I need antivirus

One reason not to use the default windows mail system nor their browser. Helps a lot with avoiding virius.

I also use corporate Symantec antivirus and firewalls.

I have had one virius in 10 years or so. And it was passed on to me by some internal IT genusies....The I love you one....

I was wondering for a bit there if the military was testing their gay bomb.

Actually the first guy to send it to me was a devout apple user....hmmm


the good ole iloveyou virus... we got hit by that it sucked.

i havent had a mojor outbrake since then.

we use symantec corp. aswell works great, i also use symantec web security and mail security, all work vary well, but the best way to protec a windows enviroment is using group policy and locking down systems.

another thing i do here incase of virus infections is imigeing, some one gets infected somehow, i just reimige their pc, takes about 20 min and they are where they used to be... no fuss, and no loss
Heck a decent PC can be had for not very much more than an Xbox and they dont usually catch on fire.

i never heard of an xbox starting on fire... they had a few issues with over heating where some wire coating burned and made some smoke, basicly from people being dumb... putting em in a small enclosed space with no room to breath.

second yes you could buy a pc for around the same price as a xbox, the thing is though the people who shell out the big $$ will have a advantage over the the people spent a minniaml amout on their pc hardware.

gaming on an xbox is far more fun the on a pc these days.

dont get me wrong i like gaming on pc's but i would rather game on a console
i never said they were poor... how could a console be poor ?

cheap ? maybe. but not realy.


Well, anyway. I just like the added sophistication of computer games. I don't really upgrade my computer often but I just turn the graphics down. Graphics don't bother me. Also, if I got a 360, I wouldn't be able to pirate the games very easily.
i never heard of an xbox starting on fire... they had a few issues with over heating where some wire coating burned and made some smoke, basicly from people being dumb... putting em in a small enclosed space with no room to breath.

second yes you could buy a pc for around the same price as a xbox, the thing is though the people who shell out the big $$ will have a advantage over the the people spent a minniaml amout on their pc hardware.

gaming on an xbox is far more fun the on a pc these days.

dont get me wrong i like gaming on pc's but i would rather game on a console

He's talking about those sensationilist reports of things lighting on fire. It's really an exageration - sometimes XBox's will overheat, but I've never heard about one "lighting on fire.

A PC for the same price as an XBox wouldn't be worth playing games on. But honestly, you're going to need a PC anyway. And upgrading a normal PC from "surfing the internet" standards to basic gaming standards costs about as much as an XBox 360 anyway. People who have an super-expensive PC really don't have much more than better graphics - if you don't know how to lower the setting to play a PC game, you're not smart enough for us. Also, PC games are cheaper. Consoles make up for the fact that they sell the base hardware at a loss by upping the price of the games.

"Far more fun"? Howso? I really like PC games, mostly because they don't automatically assume you're an idiot while you play them.
The speed is because you got a new processer, dumb ass.

The lack of glitches is because it's a new computer and you haven't had enough time to pick up bugs, and also because you can only run 2-3 programs.

It's called the placebo effect, dumb ass. Macs aren't better. Macs only SEEM better because you believe they're "different" and "better", not because they actually are. It's like taking an M&M and believing it to be Cocaine.

There's literally nothing different in the architecture in a MAC - it's impossible for it to run better. If I ran Linux on my PC it would be the exact same thing as yours. In fact, I could pirate OSX off the internet and run it on this PC. There's nothing special about a MAC actual hardware and OS besides the 50% mark-up.

And Vista is by far the most stable operating system I've ever run on. I haven't even gotten any viruses. My programs never randomly crash. My dumb ass is happy.

Why you hatin' all over my ass fool? I like my goddamned computer. Get it? I LIKE my MOTHERFUCKIN COMPUTER! And I've never LIKED any computer BEFORE. So save your douchebag technobabble for someone who gives a shit.

Anyhow. How's it goin?
Why you hatin' all over my ass fool? I like my goddamned computer. Get it? I LIKE my MOTHERFUCKIN COMPUTER! And I've never LIKED any computer BEFORE. So save your douchebag technobabble for someone who gives a shit.

Anyhow. How's it goin?

It's goin pretty good, assface.
For Chrissakes, calm down. Jesus. Lose your virginity already. You're all hopped up. And my computer is better than yours. Deal with it fucknuts.

So, how's the weather down there? I hear its humid this time of year.
Just got ran over by a hurricane. Odd.

Now it's snowing, back to normal.

How's it over in California? Get many "Cyclones"?

I'm in Washington right now. Its nice. But I've had it with these cockholes who want to buy hot tubs but you have to squeeze it out of them.
I'm in Washington right now. Its nice. But I've had it with these cockholes who want to buy hot tubs but you have to squeeze it out of them.

My band director is fond of saying "And to think! Most people have to PAY for a steambath!" whenever we go outside to march.

And you sell them. You sligh bastard, you.