Do I need antivirus

One of the biggest reasons I love PC's is because I pirate all my games, which saves me hundreds a year.

Actually, that's probably one of the reasons PC gaming isn't as big as it used to be.
Macs are only safer because they are only a small section of the market, it stands to reason that if 95% of the market is Windows most hackers and viruses would be designed for Windows. However, there are some nasty worms and viruses out there designed for the Mac.

It is a myth that you will never have problems with Macs, I used to make about 10% of my money from repairing Macs when I used to run that business. Considering their share of market it is ridiculous to say that they have no problems. Unix doesn't make them "better" just more annoying. Thankfully OSX was designed to run more like Windows to begin with. Imagine being surpassed by the company who copied you to begin with.....
i didn't say there would never be problems but they are considerably safer. Also, I would reason that even if it was 95% of the market share, it would still be safer and better than garbage windows.

Besides, vista has backdoors built in so the nsa can access your comp. I'm staying away from that
Alls I know is that I'm way, way happier with the speed, and the lack of glitches on this thing. Also the applications for music and personal shit is way better, and I have a computer for the personal shit. Music, pictures, movies, and the ability to do everything else I would do with Windows, but without all the errors and bullshit.

For me, this is the best computer I've ever owned, and I've owned about 7 or 8.

My dumb ass is happy.
welcome to the club mbl. You join me, ib1 and adamweinberg as being a super cool computer user that everyone is jealous of.
Alls I know is that I'm way, way happier with the speed, and the lack of glitches on this thing. Also the applications for music and personal shit is way better, and I have a computer for the personal shit. Music, pictures, movies, and the ability to do everything else I would do with Windows, but without all the errors and bullshit.

For me, this is the best computer I've ever owned, and I've owned about 7 or 8.

My dumb ass is happy.

The speed is because you got a new processer, dumb ass.

The lack of glitches is because it's a new computer and you haven't had enough time to pick up bugs, and also because you can only run 2-3 programs.

It's called the placebo effect, dumb ass. Macs aren't better. Macs only SEEM better because you believe they're "different" and "better", not because they actually are. It's like taking an M&M and believing it to be Cocaine.

There's literally nothing different in the architecture in a MAC - it's impossible for it to run better. If I ran Linux on my PC it would be the exact same thing as yours. In fact, I could pirate OSX off the internet and run it on this PC. There's nothing special about a MAC actual hardware and OS besides the 50% mark-up.

And Vista is by far the most stable operating system I've ever run on. I haven't even gotten any viruses. My programs never randomly crash. My dumb ass is happy.
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welcome to the club mbl. You join me, ib1 and adamweinberg as being a super cool computer user that everyone is jealous of.
LOL. I use both. And have both integrated in my network at home.

And no, none of it is Vista. I never, ever, use a product by Microsoft before SR2.
LOL. I use both. And have both integrated in my network at home.

And no, none of it is Vista. I never, ever, use a product by Microsoft before SR2.

You're just saying that because of XP. Have you ever said that before XP? No. Listen, they spent about a year on XP. They spent 6 on Vista. Vista has all the improvements of XP and more. You're probably putting you're computer at risk by refusing to upgrade.
You're just saying that because of XP. Have you ever said that before XP? No. Listen, they spent about a year on XP. They spent 6 on Vista. Vista has all the improvements of XP and more. You're probably putting you're computer at risk by refusing to upgrade.
Are you kidding? I've been microsoft certified since 1999, and I have said this since I started installing the product on machines I built.

Do not buy any microsoft product until SR2. It has nothing to do with how solid it runs and everything to do with the fact that they plug most of the security holes by then.

BTW - XP is a great product, one of the best they ever put out. Vista is cool but has some annoying habits... too many warning windows for instance.
Are you kidding. I began computing on an Apple IIe... Of course I remember DOS.

I began computing in 74....
Actually I was into electromechanical computing before that.
Relay type of telecommunications ewuipment that kept track of long distance calls and punched a paper tape of the call for billing purposes.

I also designed custom interface boards and software for the 2E. and wrote machine language code because the applesoft was too slow.
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There have only ever been 2 Microsoft products that ever even had service packs, Damo. Both of these were rushed to market. Obviously there'd be big fixes in them.

In 5 years? Why would a buy an operating system at the point that the next one's just about to come out?
SR2 never takes 5 years. SR2 will be coming out within the next six months. You seem to know nothing about Microsoft and updates.
There have only ever been 2 Microsoft products that ever even had service packs, Damo. Both of these were rushed to market. Obviously there'd be big fixes in them.
LOL. You are now mixing Service Packs with Serive Releases? Go away, you have no idea what you are talking about.