Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
There were a few Democrats who voted to let Bush decide whether we go to war. That was technically not voting for the war. Congress also authorized Clinton to decide whether to go to war, and Clinton decided not to go to war.
It is a sad state that the worst thing you can think to say about Democrats is they supported a Republican.
Technically true.
The bottom line is that if a Senator lets someone else make the decision, they are tacitly approving that decision. Let's be honest; the Democrats were scared of being tagged as anti-military, anti-American cowards who were weak on defense...which they often were. Who was it who decided to cut the military almost by half after the Cold War ended? Who was in office when al-Qaeda was growing and killing Americans around the globe?
I was against the war for the same reason as our military leaders: no endgame AKA no exit strategy. Sure, we'd kick ass again just like in the Gulf War, but the occupation of Iraq would be harmful to our nation.
Worse, invading another country was an extremely bad precedent, as we're seeing with Putin invading Ukraine. All the global good will the US garnered after 9/11 was pissed away when we invaded Iraq for oil.