Do people still believe the 'racism is bad, k?' meme?

This is like watching a warmer freak trying to explain why the data never support the hypothesis. Nobody but idiots believe that "Hitler was right" and the U.S. and her allies really did make the Nazis into piles of rotting corpses and prisoners. Remember when the KKK could actually get enough people to throw a parade in Chicago? Yeah... back in the day racism was a bit more welcome, now you hide in closets and only speak out behind the veil of anonymity on the interwebs... It's brilliant to live in a world where racists like you fear speaking out at work because you know you will lose your job.

I'd tell you to come say that to my face but you're too busy licking another man's sperm out of your wife's pussy, faggot.

Nationalism is once again on the rise and the Marxist ideologies are going to die and will go the way of the homos bloodline.
We should've nuked Berlin after we developed the bomb. Even though they surrendered, they deserved it. We should've just nuked them to show them what's what.
Marxism is the only way the people can defend themselves from nationalists. We must rise as one and kill every nationalist we can get our hands on. We have to purify America.

I just posted this! I'll delete mine.