Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

The FOUNDERS created a brand new form of government

A hybrid of what systems that man had tried

They in fact changed the very definition of the word democracy

But you Russians hate those founders so you lie about history
No one has changed the meaning of 'democracy'.

A democracy is government by popular vote. There is no constitution, and there are no representatives.
The United States was never a democracy.
Byrd says he was never into KKK, He did it for political acceptance. You needed it on your resume in the southern states. However he was extremely knowledgeable about the Senate and was counted on to make decisions about conflicts. He knew all the arcane rues and how it was to be done.
Byrd was an Exalted Cyclops in the KKK. And you white libs think that was grand. :palm:

The racist socialist FDR opposed and killed anti lynching legislation.
Do you people have any idea what a marxist is?

Why do you call Harris a marxist?

Listen you thinking those that support Trump know anything outside of Fake Noise and Trump bs, know what a Marxist is, let alone can spell it. When they call them low IQ voters and Trump calls them the poorly educated....there's a reason why.​
