Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

The First Continental Congress agreed on a Declaration and Resolves that included the Continental Association, a proposal for an embargo on British trade. They also drew up a Petition to the King pleading for redress of their grievances and repeal of the Intolerable Acts. That appeal was unsuccessful, leading delegates from the colonies to convene the Second Continental Congress, also held in Philadelphia. the following May, shortly after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, to organize the defense of the colonies as the American Revolutionary War.
They started a war for freedom in the second one

That’s basically when we began to seek to be our own nation

And in that meeting they created our post office
The FOUNDERS created a brand new form of government

A hybrid of what systems that man had tried

They in fact changed the very definition of the word democracy

But you Russians hate those founders so you lie about history
The entire nation codified it into law you shit bag russian tool
It was Franklin who built public libraries and employed city workers. There's no doubt ole Ben wanted society to read for free, and walk the streets of a clean and maintained environment. Ben was a socialist.
It was Franklin who built public libraries and employed city workers. There's no doubt ole Ben wanted society to read for free, and walk the streets of a clean and maintained environment. Ben was a socialist.
I can't let your idiotic revision go on a single reply

Are you of the belief that Adam Smith was also a socialist? How far down the rabbit hole does your conspiracy theory of our founders embracing socialism go exactly?
he was a classical liberal. calling him a socialist is utter nonsense
An educated society is conservative as well. Clean streets and privately funded public libraries is the protocity for every American city to follow. This was our culture.

I keep hearing that I have to adapt or die by forgetting about my culture. That's what this fight is about.
These are the same people that thought race mixing was communism

Those are leftwing socialist FDR voters.

The Robert Byrd's, George Wallaces's and Strom Thurmond's all became Biden's BFF's.

Biden called Obama the ... first clean negro. Those are white libs.
Those are leftwing socialist FDR voters.

The Robert Byrd's, George Wallaces's and Strom Thurmond's all became Biden's BFF's.

Biden called Obama the ... first clean negro. Those are white libs.
Byrd says he was never into KKK, He did it for political acceptance. You needed it on your resume in the southern states. However he was extremely knowledgeable about the Senate and was counted on to make decisions about conflicts. He knew all the arcane rues and how it was to be done.
Byrd says he was never into KKK, He did it for political acceptance. You needed it on your resume in the southern states. However he was extremely knowledgeable about the Senate and was counted on to make decisions about conflicts. He knew all the arcane rues and how it was to be done.
This is obvious lying bullshit. I could buy Byrd doing it for political acceptance if he didn't rise through the ranks of the KKK to be a top member and leader. It's like trying to say Himmler wasn't a Nazi or Trotsky wasn't a Communist.
Socialism is not a form of government.

Socialism comes in three major forms:

Communism, where the government owns the market.
Fascism, where the government manipulates the market (but doesn't own it).
Slavery, where government allows ownership of labor.

ALL forms of socialism are based on theft of wealth. It produces NOTHING.
Capitalism is the only way where wealth is created. Indeed, socialism cannot exist without capitalism to steal from.

When there is no one left to steal from, socialism collapses.

Capitalism is not a closed system. There is no fixed amount of wealth. It is constantly increasing under capitalism. Anyone can play. It is the best way for those that are poor to become rich. All they need is initiative and drive.

Socialism is DEMOCRATS. Conservatives are capitalists.
You are an idiot.