Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

Port Tack said:
Poverty is the single largest enemy of a Capitalistic country. The hard right or libertarian philosophy of work hard or fuck you starve, is the quickest way for poverty to sky rocket and your capitalistic country to fall."


So vote Democrat and nobody will ever have to work and everything will be free.
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You are confirming the topic thread, mixing political and economic theory

If you are suggesting the laissez faire approach to the economy in US history it had little to do with the Constitution and more so with the prevalent economic thought of the day. And non interference didn’t imply strictly government
The epic idiot who knows nothing about anything. :palm:
The first rule of Marx is workers own their production from farm to factory.
Nope. Workers do not own anything. The GOVERNMENT owns the factory and manages in the name of the 'workers'.
That eliminates the broker or middleman from supply and demand. Slackers at the watercooler trying to get laid, lack the production to get paid.
Which is exactly what happens when government owns everything. Production sucks, and everyone stands around the water cooler, so to speak.

Did you know that brokers and middlemen actually serve a purpose? It's called 'distribution'. It's why companies pay for them.
The only way Capitolism turns to socialism
Capitalism is not socialism. Redefinition fallacy.
is when the govt says fuck you to the general population.
That's what governments generally do.
Precisely what the republicans
Mostly Democrats, actually.
want to do when it comes to healthcare,
Nationalizing healthcare is not capitalism. It is communism.
social security,
Nationalizing charity is communism, not capitalism.
Price controls is fascism, not capitalism.
you name it. As the middle class shrinks and poverty grows the threat of socialism becomes greater.
Reversal fallacy. Socialism causes poverty, poverty does not cause socialism.
When a Capitolistic country
Capitalism is not a form of government. Government is simply not involved.
ignores it's poor and let's them become the majority, the country is doomed, they will eventually rise up and push for a socialistic state. It has happened countless times through history.
Reversal fallacy. Explained above.
You mean you are on this forum and don’t know how to use google?

Socialism is a political system where the community supposedly owns everything and it’s government controls all business and means of production and distribution. There is no private business. It is also based on the belief that all people should share equally in a countries wealth.

There are no political parties in this country that come close to ascribing to socialism. A capitalistic form of government with a few social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or various welfare programs is not socialism. They are programs designed to PREVENT a country from resorting to socialism.

It is true that most socialistic countries start out as capitalistic. Pure capitalism will never survive and inevitably leads to all the wealth in the hands of very few and the majority living in poverty. That majority will only put up with that shit for just so long before they stand up and use force to balance things out (usually socialism).

Therefore, programs designed to prevent that migration of wealth into the hands of very few and programs designed to prevent or help those out of poverty are essential in a capitalistic country or it will never survive. Poverty is the single largest enemy of a Capitalistic country. The hard right or libertarian philosophy of work hard or fuck you starve, is the quickest way for poverty to sky rocket and your capitalistic country to fall. It is why if you really want a socialistic country, vote Republican, because that is the quickest way to get one.
Socialism is not a form of government.

Socialism comes in three major forms:

Communism, where the government owns the market.
Fascism, where the government manipulates the market (but doesn't own it).
Slavery, where government allows ownership of labor.

ALL forms of socialism are based on theft of wealth. It produces NOTHING.
Capitalism is the only way where wealth is created. Indeed, socialism cannot exist without capitalism to steal from.

When there is no one left to steal from, socialism collapses.

Capitalism is not a closed system. There is no fixed amount of wealth. It is constantly increasing under capitalism. Anyone can play. It is the best way for those that are poor to become rich. All they need is initiative and drive.

Socialism is DEMOCRATS. Conservatives are capitalists.
What a fucking stupid thing to say. The Democratic party is the one constantly ascribing to programs designed to help the general population.
Racism, bigotry, violence, socialism, and the tyranny of the Democrat party is NOT designed to help the general population.
The mere fact this country has no healthcare for it's general population is atrocious.
There is. You are hallucinating. Anyone that wants to get healthcare can.
The richest country on earth has none
Blatant lie.
and ranks about 40th for it's general population.
Argument from randU fallacy. Stop making up numbers.
Countless families fall into poverty for this very reason and that would never happen if Democrats had control,
They are in poverty BECAUSE of Democrats, dumb Dog.
we would have universal healthcare.
Government nationalizing healthcare is communism. It provides only the healthcare it deems suitable, and the doctors have no say. That means 'universal healthcare' means healthcare only for some...those that are healthy.
Republicans would cut every program designed to help the general population to the bone if they were in control, poverty would skyrocket.
Socialism doesn't help people in poverty. It puts them there and keeps them there.
Capitalism means anyone can play. Rich, poor, anything in between. ANYONE can start a business or find (or make their own!) work.

Capitalism creates the products and services that more people can afford; rich, poor, etc. There are poor people in the United States that have a car! There are poor people in the United States with their own TV, and even their own computer...ALL built and distributed through capitalism.
The only way Capitolism turns to socialism is when the govt says fuck you to the general population. Precisely what the republicans want to do when it comes to healthcare, social security, wages, you name it. As the middle class shrinks and poverty grows the threat of socialism becomes greater. When a Capitolistic country ignores it's poor and let's them become the majority, the country is doomed, they will eventually rise up and push for a socialistic state. It has happened countless times through history.
Capitol Refers to the building in which a state or country's legislative body meets.

you really have nothing to teach anyone
because you flipped the purpose of government from protecting the rights of the individual to providing for the comforts of the collective
Dear fucking idiot

The founders left the people the right to do “collective” things right in the constitution

They in fact created the post office and never expected it to pay for its own operations

They had the nation build roads from tax revenue

You just have a Russian idiot programming in your tiny brain

Fuck you very much
Dear fucking idiot

The founders left the people the right to do “collective” things right in the constitution

They in fact created the post office and never expected it to pay for its own operations

They had the nation build roads from tax revenue

You just have a Russian idiot programming in your tiny brain

Fuck you very much
the post office existed before we had a United States Constitution you fucking retard

The United States Postal Service has a storied history, familiar to many. It began with the Second Continental Congress and Benjamin Franklin in 1775. It continued when the U.S. Constitution empowered Congress to establish Post Offices and post roads in 1787. Congress exercised those powers with the passage of the Post Office Act of 1792, which made postal services a permanent fixture of the federal government.