Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

It would take an entire semester to explain Marxism.
Lying white lib boomer.

Marxism is just another way to market socialism. A con game that dangles freedom from the State as the payoff, but never delivers. All you have to do first is hand all power and property over to the gov't (Socialism). It is BS.

Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism states that societies progress through six stages:
  • Primitive communism
  • Slave society
  • Feudalism
  • Capitalism
  • Socialism
  • Global, stateless communism:
All communist nations like China and North Korea are stuck in the Socialism stage. It's the typical bait and switch con.
Lying white lib boomer.

Marxism is just another way to market socialism. A con game that dangles freedom from the State as the payoff, but never delivers. All you have to do first is hand all power and property over to the gov't (Socialism). It is BS.

Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism states that societies progress through six stages:
  • Primitive communism
  • Slave society
  • Feudalism
  • Capitalism
  • Socialism
  • Global, stateless communism:
Marx advocates for socialism.
Lying white lib boomer.

Marxism is just another way to market socialism. A con game that dangles freedom from the State as the payoff, but never delivers. All you have to do first is hand all power and property over to the gov't (Socialism). It is BS.

Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism states that societies progress through six stages:
  • Primitive communism
  • Slave society
  • Feudalism
  • Capitalism
  • Socialism
  • Global, stateless communism:
All communist nations like China and North Korea are stuck in the Socialism stage. It's the typical bait and switch con.
I’m glad you looked it up
Lying white lib boomer.

Marxism is just another way to market socialism. A con game that dangles freedom from the State as the payoff, but never delivers. All you have to do first is hand all power and property over to the gov't (Socialism). It is BS.

Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism states that societies progress through six stages:
  • Primitive communism
  • Slave society
  • Feudalism
  • Capitalism
  • Socialism
  • Global, stateless communism:
All communist nations like China and North Korea are stuck in the Socialism stage. It's the typical bait and switch con.
The only way Capitolism turns to socialism is when the govt says fuck you to the general population. Precisely what the republicans want to do when it comes to healthcare, social security, wages, you name it. As the middle class shrinks and poverty grows the threat of socialism becomes greater. When a Capitolistic country ignores it's poor and let's them become the majority, the country is doomed, they will eventually rise up and push for a socialistic state. It has happened countless times through history.
The only way Capitolism turns to socialism is when the govt says fuck you to the general population. Precisely what the republicans want to do when it comes to healthcare, social security, wages, you name it. As the middle class shrinks and poverty grows the threat of socialism becomes greater. When a Capitolistic country ignores it's poor and let's them become the majority, the country is doomed, they will eventually rise up and push for a socialistic state. It has happened countless times through history.
What is your definition of Socialism?
Lying white lib boomer.

Marxism is just another way to market socialism. A con game that dangles freedom from the State as the payoff, but never delivers. All you have to do first is hand all power and property over to the gov't (Socialism). It is BS.

Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism states that societies progress through six stages:
  • Primitive communism
  • Slave society
  • Feudalism
  • Capitalism
  • Socialism
  • Global, stateless communism:
All communist nations like China and North Korea are stuck in the Socialism stage. It's the typical bait and switch con.
The first rule of Marx is workers own their production from farm to factory. That eliminates the broker or middleman from supply and demand. Slackers at the watercooler trying to get laid, lack the production to get paid.
The only way Capitolism turns to socialism is when the govt says fuck you to the general population. Precisely what the republicans want to do when it comes to healthcare, social security, wages, you name it. As the middle class shrinks and poverty grows the threat of socialism becomes greater. When a Capitolistic country ignores it's poor and let's them become the majority, the country is doomed, they will eventually rise up and push for a socialistic state. It has happened countless times through history.
What is Your definition of Socialism?
You mean you are on this forum and don’t know how to use google?

Socialism is a political system where the community supposedly owns everything and it’s government controls all business and means of production and distribution. There is no private business. It is also based on the belief that all people should share equally in a countries wealth.

There are no political parties in this country that come close to ascribing to socialism. A capitalistic form of government with a few social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or various welfare programs is not socialism. They are programs designed to PREVENT a country from resorting to socialism.

It is true that most socialistic countries start out as capitalistic. Pure capitalism will never survive and inevitably leads to all the wealth in the hands of very few and the majority living in poverty. That majority will only put up with that shit for just so long before they stand up and use force to balance things out (usually socialism).

Therefore, programs designed to prevent that migration of wealth into the hands of very few and programs designed to prevent or help those out of poverty are essential in a capitalistic country or it will never survive. Poverty is the single largest enemy of a Capitalistic country. The hard right or libertarian philosophy of work hard or fuck you starve, is the quickest way for poverty to sky rocket and your capitalistic country to fall. It is why if you really want a socialistic country, vote Republican, because that is the quickest way to get one.
like the last four years?.......
What a fucking stupid thing to say. The Democratic party is the one constantly ascribing to programs designed to help the general population. The mere fact this country has no healthcare for it's general population is atrocious. The richest country on earth has none and ranks about 40th for it's general population. Countless families fall into poverty for this very reason and that would never happen if Democrats had control, we would have universal healthcare. Republicans would cut every program designed to help the general population to the bone if they were in control, poverty would skyrocket.
Poverty is the single largest enemy of a Capitalistic country. The hard right or libertarian philosophy of work hard or fuck you starve, is the quickest way for poverty to sky rocket and your capitalistic country to fall.

So vote Democrat and nobody will ever have to work and everything will be free. :palm: