Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

That's one reason Marx despised European social democratic liberals - they promised incremental progress in the conditions of labor, without promising to remove the overall edifice of a capitalist-consumer society. He thought liberals would undermine the motivation for a communist revolution of the proletariat.
They [liberals] did just that in Western Europe.

Here in America, though, if the Republicans stay in control of the government,
a communist revolution should still be on the table.
If we can't have Democratic socialism,
communism is clearly preferable to Republican fascism.

Will Trump be the one to provoke a communist revolution?
Some day Americans may realize that there are NO MODERATE SOLUTIONS TO RADICAL PROBLEMS.

MAGA is a radical problem.
If we can't just eradicate the idea, then we'll have to eradicate the people.
They may have guns but they certainly don't have brains.
Never in its history has America seen so many stupid goobers getting that much attention.
In simplest terms, marxism is a critique of capitalism as exploiting workers and giving all power to owners or the capitalist class.
They [liberals] did just that in Western Europe.

Here in America, though, if the Republicans stay in control of the government,
a communist revolution should still be on the table.
If we can't have Democratic socialism,
communism is clearly preferable to Republican fascism.

Will Trump be the one to provoke a communist revolution?
Some day Americans may realize that there are NO MODERATE SOLUTIONS TO RADICAL PROBLEMS.

MAGA is a radical problem.
If we can't just eradicate the idea, then we'll have to eradicate the people.
They may have guns but they certainly don't have brains.
Never in its history has America seen so many stupid goobers getting that much attention.
When has there ever been "a communist revolution" in a developed society? Every so called communist country has existed under a form of state
capitalism with a privileged class running the show.
When has there ever been "a communist revolution" in a developed society? Every so called communist country has existed under a form of state
capitalism with a privileged class running the show.
A privileged class runs western society. The communists elite. Too big to fail and too big to jail.
Communists run western society. Typical of the dumb, incoherent crap you write.
I Kant explain it to you. Either you witnessed too big to fail, too big to jail, or you've been asleep for 15 years. Wall Street got bailed out but millions of families were foreclosed on. That's an elite group of communists for all to see.
I Kant explain it to you. Either you witnessed too big to fail, too big to jail, or you've been asleep for 15 years. Wall Street got bailed out but millions of families were foreclosed on. That's an elite group of communists for all to see.
you're a fucking idiot