Do you believe in faeries?

I do!

Faeries are actual beings which inhabit the inner-Earth.

In every myth, there is a shred of truth...

Since this kept getting bumped, I had to read it.

That was the most useless ten seconds I've ever spent in my life.

Brent, are you having another one of your mental breakdowns? Seriously dude, if you are, you need to be very proactive in getting help.
LMAO, everytime it gets bumped I keep rereading it......I mean, this is classic delusions as their best/worst

"Within the Earth there is a paradise beyond our comprehension."
Since this kept getting bumped, I had to read it.

That was the most useless ten seconds I've ever spent in my life.

Brent, are you having another one of your mental breakdowns? Seriously dude, if you are, you need to be very proactive in getting help.


It's pretty funny.
LMAO, everytime it gets bumped I keep rereading it......I mean, this is classic delusions as their best/worst

"Within the Earth there is a paradise beyond our comprehension."

I know this is hard to believe, but it's true. When the X-Files was really popular, my crazy aunt actually told me "of course there are aliens amoungst us, all anyone has to do is walk outside at 3 in the morning, and you can see them walking around" It was really bad because she told me this in front of company, and it was embarrassing. Until then, I hadn't known she was insane.

Some people just can't separate reality from fantasy. I used to love Buffy the Vampire Slayer when it was on, but I never once thought that vampires were real, and all you had to do was go outside at three in the morning to see them. I've actually been outside at 3 in the morning, and all I ever saw were drunks. (ok, fellow drunks)
I've actually been outside at 3 in the morning, and all I ever saw were drunks. (ok, fellow drunks)

Really? I think I'm realizing one of aunt's is a little crazy too. I'd almost feel sorry for Brent if he weren't such a misogynist tool.

I've still got coffee stains on my keyboard, from when I read Brent's thread proclaiming that "Satan is an Inter-planetary Ruler".

Oh yeah! that was a good one.

Brent do you still have you're site up? I'd love to read all about Neverland.
Within the Earth there is a paradise beyond our comprehension. This is where the Garden of Eden stands to this day, and where Abraham and other patriarchs rested in peace, prior to their assumption into the Heavenly realm (through the Resurrection of Jesus). This is also where Jesus went, according to His own words, for three days prior to His resurrection.

Some have speculated that Adolf Hitler and various other Nazis may have escaped to the inner Earth. I do not share this view.
Hitler escaped to the inner part of Uranus.
Ohh you mean the space faring Kilingon, not the ones that hang around Uranus.

I love Scifi, but not a trekie, as I have said before I have no heroes.
I don't know what happened to Brent do you guys remember when he was BDW on

He was definitley very conservative but one of the better debaters on conservative subjects. I thought that he was older than he actually is. In fact I imagined a man in his thirties.

One of the better debates I've had on that site was with BDW (Brent) on the 9th and 14th amendments. He did quite well.

It wasn't until some time on that his behavior started to become strange.

Its almost like they aren't the same people.
I don't know what happened to Brent do you guys remember when he was BDW on

He was definitley very conservative but one of the better debaters on conservative subjects. I thought that he was older than he actually is. In fact I imagined a man in his thirties.

One of the better debates I've had on that site was with BDW (Brent) on the 9th and 14th amendments. He did quite well.

It wasn't until some time on that his behavior started to become strange.

Its almost like they aren't the same people.
In either case, he's a fruit loop.
BDW and Brent are the same person ? That is hard to believe.
He is either a good chain yanker or very messed up.