Do you believe in faeries?

Sarcasm is sometimes a good tool to show others the inanity of belief.

But on the internet, sarcasm is oftentimes undetectable.

The idea that even a mini-sun trapped inside what would effectively would be a dyson sphere would not burn up whatever might live inside is preposterous.

This is not a conventional star, as there is no fusion taking place. It is a core composed of uranium; essentially a "fission star." Naturally-occurring fission has been observed in the past, most notably in South Africa.

However density measurements can be taken from satellites. Density figures along with Mass will give anybody with the understanding of the math the clear conclusion of a solid core earth.

We assume mass/volume based on our presupposed notion of the Earth's interior. Replace that model with the hollow Earth model, and only the density would be adjusted to compensate. As I stated, you cannot prove that the Earth is not hollow. Sorry to bust your bubble. :)
Anyway, Brent, Newton's theory totally destroys a theory that there could be a population inside the earth living on its concave surface. One can mathematically determine that the gravitational force would be at near zero (not perfect zero because the earth is not perfectly spherical) and tested over time we can reasonably assert the truth of that statement.

Not so! There are two factors to be considered here. One, the center of gravity would be located in the middle of the 1000-mile thick crust. Furthermore, you must take centripetal force into account.
But on the internet, sarcasm is oftentimes undetectable.

This is not a conventional star, as there is no fusion taking place. It is a core composed of uranium; essentially a "fission star." Naturally-occurring fission has been observed in the past, most notably in South Africa.

We assume mass/volume based on our presupposed notion of the Earth's interior. Replace that model with the hollow Earth model, and only the density would be adjusted to compensate. As I stated, you cannot prove that the Earth is not hollow. Sorry to bust your bubble. :)
Very simply, first of all, the trapped radiation would simply burn out anybody living there, as well as your simplistic view that there would actually be gravity for these people. As I stated, through testing and observation we know that were it a perfect sphere there would be no gravity at all, and were it not perfect (as it actually isn't) there would be very minimal gravity indeed. Approximately 1/300ths of a G. So minimal it would be nearly what the astronauts exist in while in orbit. Microgravity.

Yet, you attempt to rewrite physics with "it is a fission sun"... It isn't, it is a core compressed into a solid with magma surrounding it then a mantle. It is the only theory that can match the actual math.

Now, could there be something alive down there? Maybe, I'm sure we haven't found every form of life in the Universe. But are there 'faeries' living upside down that could live both on this surface and inside? No. Any animal that lived in microgravity all its life would collapse under one G, any animal that could survive in one G would launch itself into this microsun.

At least look up a reputable site or two that speaks on this, even Wiki has a better understanding of this. The theories currently being brought to bear were long ago discounted as they simply do not match the math. This is exactly equivalent to the Flat Earth Society. It simply has no actual bearing within actual physics, and is simply wrong.

Now if you want to find a body in the solar system that is possibly hollow look to Mars' moon Phobos, let's not pretend that you have some special knowledge here that is passed down in secret from the 1800s to you....
Very simply, first of all, the trapped radiation would simply burn out anybody living there, as well as your simplistic view that there would actually be gravity for these people.

The inner "sun" is approximately 1000 miles in diameter, and is suspended 2500 miles above the inner-surface. The fission is a contained reaction. As for radiation, it is filtered by the inner-atmosphere.

As I stated, through testing and observation we know that were it a perfect sphere there would be no gravity at all, and were it not perfect (as it actually isn't) there would be very minimal gravity indeed. Approximately 1/300ths of a G. So minimal it would be nearly what the astronauts exist in while in orbit. Microgravity.

What "testing and observation" is that? I do not believe it. Furthermore, you're overlooking the fact that centripetal force will essentially "push" the inhabitants onto the inner-surface.

Yet, you attempt to rewrite physics with "it is a fission sun"... It isn't, it is a core compressed into a solid with magma surrounding it then a mantle. It is the only theory that can match the actual math.

Naturally-occurring fission has been observed. Thus, what I have proposed is not unfeasible.
The inner "sun" is approximately 1000 miles in diameter, and is suspended 2500 miles above the inner-surface. The fission is a contained reaction. As for radiation, it is filtered by the inner-atmosphere.

What "testing and observation" is that? I do not believe it. Furthermore, you're overlooking the fact that centripetal force will essentially "push" the inhabitants onto the inner-surface.

Naturally-occurring fission has been observed. Thus, what I have proposed is not unfeasible.
Once again, it isn't a question of "fission" or "fusion" it is a question of livability. Any life that could live under the radiation blitz from a sun captive in a Dyson sphere could not even come close to surviving on this surface.

It is also a question of the longevity of a 1000 KM microsun, it would simply have burned out by now, it would have a minimal fuel compared to an actual sun.

Now, natural fission only occurs under great compression. It might even be possible to have a fission reaction at the center of the core. It is not possible for the core to be empty other than a 1000 KM sun and faeries living in the microgravity of the concave surface.

You don't believe it? That is so very foolish, Brent. I even posted a link to Newton's equations, tested over and over again so that it has gained the status of Theorum, we are long past hypothesis here. Observation and testing is what science does. Hoping that every test over time is wrong is something that psuedoscience does. It is the EXACT same thing as saying the Earth is flat in this day and age. It simply is known to be wrong.

As I said, find one reputable scientist who has published an article in a peer-reviewed publication supporting such a thoery. Just one. They simply do not exist. At least go to Wiki and read up on it. Theories propounded and refuted in the 1800s and found laughable by the time the last "reputable" scientist actually attempted to rewrite the math in the early 1900s are beneath you. This is why I don't believe that you are "real" in this any more than you were "real" when you said you were going to become a Jehovah's Witness.

I can especially tell that you are not going to become a Jehovah's Witness when you didn't propound the belief that Satan was cast from heaven after WWI
Agreed. It is composed of the heaviest elements, including uranium. It is essentially a "fission star," 800 miles in diameter, suspended at the center of the Earth.

Can you prove it? I think not...

A star 800 miles in diamater wouldn't work. That's why you don't see more of them out there. You do understand how a star works, don't you?

God, why do I even try. There are just too many flaws with this inanity for me to believe Brent at all.
I've heard theories before that say that the center of the Earth is fissionable nuclear material. It doesn't resemble a star though, and it's not "suspended". How the hell would that even work? Wouldn't it fall? Fission could never resemble a star.
Seriously, the dude refuses to go out with the hottest chick he's ever seen in his life (from his account) because he thinks she wants to have sex with him? HOW PRUDISH CAN ONE PERSON BE!!!!!

You don't have to fuck her if you don't want to, but you're gonna.
Seriously, the dude refuses to go out with the hottest chick he's ever seen in his life (from his account) because he thinks she wants to have sex with him? HOW PRUDISH CAN ONE PERSON BE!!!!!

You don't have to fuck her if you don't want to, but you're gonna.
If thine eye offend thee...