how many of you still believe the lies the republican party paid for back in 2004?
They were cynical unpatriotic lies about a soldier.
They were cynical unpatriotic lies about a soldier.
The reublican party was willing to destroy the reputation of a war hero to win an election.
the republican party is run by evil men
why did he get approved for secratary of state?
how ?
The vote was 94-3 for Kerry at a time when bipartisanship is rarely on display in Washington. Just three Republicans voted against his nomination—Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe.
the Republican party did this
they lied about a war hero to try and fool the people into voting for them
If you idiots didn't want Kerry's military record brought-up, you shouldn't have lied about Bush's record, and cost Dan Rather his job.