Unpatriotic lies, our troops deserve better. Why do you spit on Vietnam Vets?
Kerry wrote the after action reports himself and put himself in for the the purple hearts.
One of his purple hearts was for a couple grains of rice in his ass when he threw a grenade into a hooch. Purple hearts for self-inflicted wounds are shall we say, rare and only for "heat of battle" injuries.
He was a fucking scoundrel.
He wanted his 3 purple hearts and the ride home that would get him.
He wanted to be the hero JFK was but have anti-war cred.
Then he could be the anti-war war hero, throwing his medals over the white house fence.
Then he went to congress and testified to what guys refused to say, getting tortured in bamboo tiger cages.
Then he went to paris and met with North Vietnamese political leaders in violation of law.
He has two dates of separation . . .
One when he was given a less than honorable discharge for his un-American activities and an honorable one in 77 after Carter pardoned everyone for anti-war actions.
And then there's the forged citation for his silver star . . .
The last thing he is is a war hero.