do you guys remember when

yeah desh. thanks for all that in depth analysis. It must have taken a lot of skill to cut and paste a link. You must have really crunched the numbers, analyzed various markets, noticed all the subprime loans (while probably advocating loans for poor people in the same breath), etc. You must have been a true savant. I bet all your glass windows were covered with equations. If only you could have gotten the truth to the president and congress before it was too late. Alas we didn't listen to you. If only we didn't put aside your conclusion that "this is gonna distroy the ekonomey" and taken you more seriously :/
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We all remember warnings based on almost nothing. Although I do remember agreeing that there would be a downturn. Although mine was more specific, I told you that there was a debt crisis coming. (I also noted that you can predict any downturn if you start right after an upturn because at some point there will be a downturn). I also remember Bush noting that same thing, although he didn't take it seriously enough and used political capital to try to get Amnesty for illegals rather than stemming the tide of the oncoming debt bubble.
hey guys I would have done more but I had to do it quick.

A mod at another site allowed me to post the name of this site on the open board to prove I had seen the crash coming.

I can add to this thread later but I was also hoping to help get even more traffic here for Damo and you guys.

I also told them a flat out truth.

That Damo was the most honest mod I had ever dealt with.

Kudos to you Damo you guys would not believe what I have been through with mods in my travelings.
uscitizen now owns everyone of you.

You trashed him daily and now it proves he was the prophet and you were the clowns
It all depends on who gets elected.

you elect the deregulator idiots and it will be alot sooner and harder
It all depends on who gets elected.

you elect the deregulator idiots and it will be alot sooner and harder

The sooner the less huge the bubble. Rip the band-aid off. No matter who gets alected we'll still be monetizing our debt, Bernanke was clear that he would continue to use made up money to buy US Treasuries.

We're simply rebuilding another debt crisis rather than dealing with our debt addiction. Basically if you believe that it was deregulation that caused the problem rather than pay attention to the fact that the US government was fining and punishing banks for not giving the loans that were the foundation of the crisis then you can maybe push it off a bit further, but when it comes it will be worse as it will be far more institutional...

We need to elect somebody willing to be honest and deal with the debt, we have one guy projecting 1 Trillion over the next 20 years and claiming he cut 4 trillion over 10 years... we have another projecting that we balance the budget in 25 years as if future Congresses would do as they were told.
but if you elect the deregulators the wound will NEVER heal.

But the "regulators" are largely the reason for the collapse! Freddy and Fanny were doing just fine and dandy before Chris Dodd and Barney Fwank pushed through partisan liberal democrat legislation, 'regulating' that mortgage banks hold the paper on people who had no real credit. John McCain was one of the most outspoken critics of this idea, stating publicly that it would "cause economic disaster and a potential financial meltdown" and you all dismissed him as some out of touch kook who didn't know what he was talking about, and pushed the legislation through anyway. Now you want to pretend you were 'Kreskin' and predicted all this shit way back then, but if that IS the case, it begs the question, WHY did you allow this to happen?
but if you elect the deregulators the wound will NEVER heal.

When part of the problem was regulation that required them to make the loans, if you hire people who will make those same regulations the wound will never heal. Nobody says that they should have no regulation. Well, nobody running on either of the big tickets says that. I'm sure there's somebody out there who thinks there should be none, but they aren't running.
damo you know they made money by writing sub prime and hiding them in securities buyers did not know contain as much SP as they did.

you know if they had only written as many as the law required it would NEVER have been enough to cause the mess.

please please dont tranish you good name lying for a failed party