Do you shave (or know someone who does)?

Pitiful... just pitiful. Think of the business he's losing by pitching to aggrieved RWNJs, instead of the entire hairy world. :D

Well, the entire reason for this product's existence is to shave off customers from Harry's. Once you have your target audience locked up, you can begin branching out with broader marketing strategies.

It's like when Wally Amos launched his Uncle No-Name line of cookies. His target audience was anyone who felt that Famous Amos had done something wrong by not letting him use his trademarked name.
Well, the entire reason for this product's existence is to shave off customers from Harry's. Once you have your target audience locked up, you can begin branching out with broader marketing strategies.

It's like when Wally Amos launched his Uncle No-Name line of cookies. His target audience was anyone who felt that Famous Amos had done something wrong by not letting him use his trademarked name.
Zoomers don't shave. Even Jerremy has a beard.