Do you shave (or know someone who does)?

said everyone who looks bad in a beard......

Well, I was a suburban kid with conservative Boomer parents. In terms of dress and appearance, I would have been able to fit into an older era (plus there's my chosen profession). That being said, my brother's godfather, and longtime family friend, can play Santa Claus without a fake beard, so, it befits some men.
And some of the ideas I agree with.

But I see nothing in that ad that would make me use his razor over anyone else's.

Basically, he is saying: 'buy my razors if you are conservative'.

That kind of slop works on the weak and/or the stupid.
But for people who actually buy products based on their performance - and not their image?
It will make little/no difference.

However, since there are clearly FAR more of the former than the latter?
The ad might just work for him.