do you smoke ?


a member named bob
well i do... but i think this should be law everywhere

BANGOR, Maine (AP) -- The Bangor City Council approved a measure Monday that prohibits people from smoking in vehicles when children are present.
When the law goes into effect next week, Bangor will become the first municipality in Maine to have such a law. Similar statewide measures have been adopted in Arkansas and Louisiana and are under consideration in several other states.

People who smoke with children present in the confined space of a car or truck might as well be deliberately trying to kill those children, said City Councilor Patricia Blanchette, who is a smoker.

"Let's step up to the plate and lead; our children are worth the fight," she said
did you like it ?... or dose it bug you ?

i personly enjoy it... but i think its definitly a good law
oh and on the law, i think it should be up to the parent if they want to smoke in their car w/ their kid present... is the state paying for the persons car?

that law is rediculous.
oh and on the law, i think it should be up to the parent if they want to smoke in their car w/ their kid present... is the state paying for the persons car?

that law is rediculous.

no, but they maybe paing for that kids healthcare soon if they arnt already
Not enough evidence of a victim to make me believe there is a need for such a law. Warnings and education is more than enough...
I smoke, but I do not even smoke in my own home, and I live alone. I smoke mainly outside or in my workshop.

When I smoke in my car with others present, I ventilate so the smoke goes out my window.
How can one be sure that second had smoke is a really bad thing considering all the other carcinogens in the air. Diesel exhaust is a carciogen, just to name one.

I predict that in about 20 years it will be decided that second hand smoke was not nearly as bad for us as we currently are led to believe.
I quit smoking in '95. Hate the smell of it now. I think that this is a good law, especially in closed vehicles.
Maybe it exempts trucks, like in KY a child safety seat is not riequired in a pickup truck if 3 adults are in the cab. It is then ok to sit shildren on your laps. Brillaint stuff huh ?
Wow! Not in Texas! In our city, people no longer are allowed to ride in the backs of pickups, either, and neither are dogs unless they're secured. You still see dogs walking free in pickups, though. (A friend who's volunteered at the Emergency Vet clinic said that this is the greatest cause of injuries that they see).

Smoking laws are getting stiffer, but it's one thing to have a law, another to enforce it. There seems to be a huge disparity here between the two.