do you smoke ?

Maine is ok, the people tend to be a bit standoffish, but then hillbillys appear that way to outsiders as well.
Maine is ok, the people tend to be a bit standoffish, but then hillbillys appear that way to outsiders as well.

Hillbillys really do appear to be stand-offish don't they. We moved here in 1974 and people are just now starting to accept the fact that I'm a hillbilly.:)
Where do ya live Leaning? Not specifically of course, because of some on here ;)

They just did not know whose kin you were :)
I live in the SE corner of Oklahoma, 50 miles from Arkansas and 75 miles from Texas. It's mountain country. I love it but it did take a while to be "accepted" even though I am related to many people here.
You do live in the best part of OK, that is for sure ;)
I was accepted really fast here, it is the east central part of KY, I grew up in the far hills of eastern KY. Still KY, but quite different. I lived in several states in the time in between.
When I lived in Oregon, people did not like me at all at first, they were quite snobbish until they found out I was a hillbilly and not a texican. All was fine then :D
You do live in the best part of OK, that is for sure ;)
I was accepted really fast here, it is the east central part of KY, I grew up in the far hills of eastern KY. Still KY, but quite different. I lived in several states in the time in between.
When I lived in Oregon, people did not like me at all at first, they were quite snobbish until they found out I was a hillbilly and not a texican. All was fine then :D
California natives have to go icognito in Oregon. We usually try to claim we're from Canada: it's healthier.
LOL, yeah at one time they passed a law barring Californians from Oregon, but it did not hold up in court.
Ornot, don't forget to throw in an ehhh every now and again when talking to Oregonians ;)
I used to smoke, but now I don't and I think this is a great law.

from a great state.

I love Maine! Of course, I grew up across the Bay from you. We don't call it snobbish, but reserved, perhaps also taciturn. Nothing wrong with that. :)

I love Oklahoma, too. And we try to get to Bowling Green, KY, for the races each year. It's beautiful.
When I smoked it was at night and only outside.

what are you a vampiure or somthing ?

i dont smoke in my house either, i do smoke in my car though... my GF hates it when i smoke in the car with her... an open window dosent seem too help her... hell every time i light up shell roll down all the windows she can reach...

but thats her... probably being a lil over excagerating
what are you a vampiure or somthing ?

i dont smoke in my house either, i do smoke in my car though... my GF hates it when i smoke in the car with her... an open window dosent seem too help her... hell every time i light up shell roll down all the windows she can reach...

but thats her... probably being a lil over excagerating
Actually, it cleans the air more if you just crack a window and keep the cigarette close to the window. Physics...
what are you a vampiure or somthing ?

i dont smoke in my house either, i do smoke in my car though... my GF hates it when i smoke in the car with her... an open window dosent seem too help her... hell every time i light up shell roll down all the windows she can reach...

but thats her... probably being a lil over excagerating
Perhaps, or maybe she just hates the smell. ;)

I used to be a smoker. When I quit, I promised myself, solemnly, to never become a non-smoking Nazi. I think I've mostly succeeded but it's hard to be sure sometimes. I do know, though, that there are some things that a smoker really can't know.

Like about the smell.

I can smell a smoker from 6 feet away. So can any non-smoker. Seriously. Okay, you can get used to that. But it's ten times worse when the smoker lights up. And a hundred times worse in an enclosed space.

Honestly, I don't know that the health effects of secondhand smoke are really all that well documented. I do know, though, that when someone smokes right next to me I have to breath it in. Health effects bedamned, I just don't want to breath it, you know?

I'm quite glad that no one is allowed to smoke in our office, for example. Even closing my door wouldn't help if one of the people right next to me lit up.

OTOH, I don't know that protecting kids from their own parents is such a good idea. I remain unconvinced either way on that specific legislation.