do you smoke ?

With children growing up under all these for your own good laws, what will their attitude be about govt. when they grow up ?
which makes you eminently qualified to pass judgment on it. (Maine)

I would love to make a trip up to Maine, see Vermont and New Hampshire in the process. It will likely be 7 or 8 years before I can do a trip to the NE though. Something to look forward to.
Smoking in cars with children is absolutly irresponsible behavior... Yet, so are many other behaviors. This is just another example of paternalistic government. These kind of laws should bother the hell out of people... incremental loss of rights.
While driving the other day... I heard of a story where in Maryland a woman had written a letter to the Health Dept. complaining that her neighbors smoke and the smoke is drifting into her home..., now mind you... they live in detached homes .. The Health Dept. felt compelled to send notice to the smokers and advised them that they will be required to allow the Health Dept. to investigate their home. WhaT!? Yeah right... try and come into my home.

Look it... these are little incremental laws being passed slowly but surely, slicing away at individual private property rights ...
I would love to make a trip up to Maine, see Vermont and New Hampshire in the process. It will likely be 7 or 8 years before I can do a trip to the NE though. Something to look forward to.

NH is nice once you get above manchester and that clutter.
You might feel at home, lots of rednecks and country types up there.
Children will grow up well trained to do whatever their government says, and be fully dependent on it. A nice platform for a police state to sit upon.
Smoking in cars with children is absolutly irresponsible behavior... Yet, so are many other behaviors. This is just another example of paternalistic government. These kind of laws should bother the hell out of people... incremental loss of rights.
While driving the other day... I heard of a story where in Maryland a woman had written a letter to the Health Dept. complaining that her neighbors smoke and the smoke is drifting into her home..., now mind you... they live in detached homes .. The Health Dept. felt compelled to send notice to the smokers and advised them that they will be required to allow the Health Dept. to investigate their home. WhaT!? Yeah right... try and come into my home.

Look it... these are little incremental laws being passed slowly but surely, slicing away at individual private property rights ...
Except the property rights of the woman who you seem to think should just suck up her neighbor's smoke whether she wants to or not.

Smoking is a choice, not a necessity.

All laws infringe individual liberties to some extent, naturally. It's simplistic and unrealistic to think that lack of regulation necessarily increases individual liberty, however. Such a lack may increase the liberty of one at the expense of many.
The individual is the ultimate minority, the Constitution was designed for such protection.
Yeah, that and a buck eighty will get you a decent cup of coffee. :cof1:

It's true, but what does it mean? Which individuals? One person wants to smoke in his home, another doesn't want to have to breath in that smoke in her home. Who decides? This is exactly what law and government are about: mediating these disputes.

I'm guessing from the tone here that most of you think that the woman complaining about her neighbor's smoking is too . . . something. Whatever, the neighbor's rights trump hers, basically because you don't like her. That's a value judgment, and one I might even share if I met her. It's shouldn't be elevated to the level of some grand governmental principle however.