Do you still support America's genocide in the Middle East?

Regardless of the eloquence and strength of your speech, it is but a matter of opinion that our actions in the middle east, ongoning for many decades, and far from completed even now, do not constitute genocide.
No, it simply doesn't meet any of the elements of the definition of the word.

It's like saying that it is my "opinion" that elephants are not whales and insisting that they are whales because you want them to be.

It's not "opinion" to simply read the definition, take the elements, then see if they apply. Finding that none of the requisite meanings of the word are fulfilled pretty much makes it reality that it isn't what you want it to be, even if you really really want it bad.
Dune's name suits him well, as he is clearly not living on planet Earth.

The idiot's solution to everything. 'Kill 'em!'
Tell me please, why do YOU (Damn Yankee) think he needed killin'? Not why did bush think so, or why did Rumps felt think so, but why did YOU think so? Were you related or something?

Because he was a murderous dictator? :confused:
Again, polls are not evidence that anybody at all said Iraq was complicit in those attacks anymore than a poll that shows lots of people believe in Jesus means that "everybody" was saying that was why we attacked.

Such polls are not evidence of what you claim.

:rolleyes: I'll remember this the next time you and your RW cronies tout Rasmussen or some other pollster showing Obama's popularity on a downward trajectory.
Which doesn't change the fact that words actually mean things, that you can find a bunch of people who subscribe to the same projection doesn't change that it is flat factually inaccurate.

It was simple, take the definition actually posted earlier and tell me how any of the action in Afghanistan and Iraq actually applies. If you can do that, then you may have a point.

But since you can't, all you are doing is emoting all over the board. I hope you brought some Kleenex to clean up afterward.
whats sad is that dune ignores that muslims have killed more muslims in iraq than the US has killed iraqis, but he doesn't consider that genocide. he ignores the deaths of iraqi christians by muslims, doesn't considere that genocide.
whats sad is that dune ignores that muslims have killed more muslims in iraq than the US has killed iraqis, but he doesn't consider that genocide. he ignores the deaths of iraqi christians by muslims, doesn't considere that genocide.

Don't forget the Iran-Iraq war or the Bangladesh Liberation War.
:rolleyes: I'll remember this the next time you and your RW cronies tout Rasmussen or some other pollster showing Obama's popularity on a downward trajectory.

Well hang on to your flabby cheeks because with this new budget he's trying to push, you can bet those numbers are going to change and change soom

So any time you LWNL want to gloat, please have at it. I say equal time all the way across the board, so gloat away mare :good4u:.
whats sad is that dune ignores that muslims have killed more muslims in iraq than the US has killed iraqis, but he doesn't consider that genocide. he ignores the deaths of iraqi christians by muslims, doesn't considere that genocide.

I don't ignore any of the deaths. I talked about that earlier in this thread. The whole region suffers under a culture of death. We have no business killing or dying there.