Do you think the people involved in mass shootings are going to be pro gun control?

Yes, I do believe that millions of people are able to find a happy medium because it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

strawman. no one ever postulated that we have an all or nothing scenario. We already have what you would call a happy medium, we have very good gun rights, and > 99.9999% of all children will never be killed in a masacre. That's pretty awesome.

god you are so easy to argue against. you should just quit while you are way behind.
I think that every kindergarten should have Patriot missiles outside, just in case!!

No, those parents were stupid for thinking the police would protect their children. They should have armed their offspring with assault rifles and dressed them in body armor.
strawman. no one ever postulated that we have an all or nothing scenario. We already have what you would call a happy medium, we have very good gun rights, and > 99.9999% of all children will never be killed in a masacre. That's pretty awesome.

god you are so easy to argue against. you should just quit while you are way behind.

No one? I'm pretty sure most of the conservatives here are saying that gun control is a slippery slope that'll enable government to take away all your guns. Otherwise, why all this quoting the 2nd amendment? And you of all people... saying that your right to have a gun trumps that of 20 childrens' right to live.
No one? I'm pretty sure most of the conservatives here are saying that gun control is a slippery slope that'll enable government to take away all your guns. Otherwise, why all this quoting the 2nd amendment? And you of all people... saying that your right to have a gun trumps that of 20 childrens' right to live.

But Christie - most children get to live, so that 0.1% who got snuffed in Connecticut is a small price paid (by the children) for Grind to have a gun.

Or some shit.
strawman. no one ever postulated that we have an all or nothing scenario. We already have what you would call a happy medium, we have very good gun rights, and > 99.9999% of all children will never be killed in a masacre. That's pretty awesome.

god you are so easy to argue against. you should just quit while you are way behind.

I bet Darla doesn't think the sun shines out of your behind now!!
christie, you are clueless. I don't mean that in an insulting way, although I am sure that is how you will take it. I just don't think you are very capable of understanding some basic arguments, and I am not going to waste my time with you, everything I say will go right over your head. I still like you and think you are really nice, but... yeah.
christie, you are clueless. I don't mean that in an insulting way, although I am sure that is how you will take it. I just don't think you are very capable of understanding some basic arguments, and I am not going to waste my time with you, everything I say will go right over your head. I still like you and think you are really nice, but... yeah.

You are an insufferable arrogant prick, true story.
I bet Darla doesn't think the sun shines out of your behind now!!

do you know how many times darla and I have pissed each other off? Too many to count. Us two are very good at reconciling differences, I don't know how it works but it just does.
But Christie - most children get to live, so that 0.1% who got snuffed in Connecticut is a small price paid (by the children) for Grind to have a gun. Or some shit.

He doesn't even have a gun.
He doesn't even have a gun.

you say this is if it were a bad thing. I believe it shows how principled I am. Unlike you, I don't need to be directly affected by something to care deeply about an issue. That is something you takers will never understand, you are only out for yourselves, you never believe in higher principles or ideals.
Right, but if he had a gun, and if he had children, his right to have the gun is more important than the safety his children would enjoy ensured by sane gun policies that would prevent massacres such as Connecticut's.

there is no "sane gun policy" that you could propose that would have prevented what happened in connecticut.
None worth proposing to knee-jerk gun-nut non-thinkers like yourself, no. Wasted keystrokes.

i haven't seen you propose it anywhere on this site. And smarter people than you haven't been able to come up with anything either. People that want to go on a shooting rampage will always find a way.