Do you think the people involved in mass shootings are going to be pro gun control?

there is no "sane gun policy" that you could propose that would have prevented what happened in connecticut.

That's what I'm missing here. The guy stole the guns. That is illegal. It is a felony. He tried to buy a rifle on Tuesday and was denied. Bringing guns onto a school campus is illegal, another felony. What law change would prevent what this guy did?
That's what I'm missing here. The guy stole the guns. That is illegal. It is a felony. He tried to buy a rifle on Tuesday and was denied. Bringing guns onto a school campus is illegal, another felony. What law change would prevent what this guy did?

One that requires that guns and ammo be secured?
That's what I'm missing here. The guy stole the guns. That is illegal. It is a felony. He tried to buy a rifle on Tuesday and was denied. Bringing guns onto a school campus is illegal, another felony. What law change would prevent what this guy did?

bijou lives in magical pixie land where if we pass a law saying "we are super duper serious, no gun shootings in schools, and people that want to shoot lots of kids can't have guns" will somehow stop this stuff. lol.
i haven't seen you propose it anywhere on this site. And smarter people than you haven't been able to come up with anything either. People that want to go on a shooting rampage will always find a way.

Goody. That's what all the gun nuts say. Enjoy your disgusting rationalizations. I don't give a shit if your stupidity is just 'trolling' or not.
Let's apply Grindian logic...on 9/11, only a few thousand Americans were killed, so why infringe upon the rights of others to fly without being screened?
christie, you are clueless. I don't mean that in an insulting way, although I am sure that is how you will take it. I just don't think you are very capable of understanding some basic arguments, and I am not going to waste my time with you, everything I say will go right over your head. I still like you and think you are really nice, but... yeah.

No offense taken. I'm not arguing this as a philosophical question but as a parent and a peacenik who can see all sides of the dilemma. I know what the Constitution says, I've studied it. But I'm not a strict constructionist, this isn't law school, and I'll never put peoples' health and welfare over inanimate objects that were invented for the sole purpose of killing.

So, ta.....
Let's apply Grindian logic...on 9/11, only a few thousand Americans were killed, so why infringe upon the rights of others to fly without being screened?

yeah I am against the TSA, the body scanners, all that stuff.

Many liberals are against those things too.
it's been implied. Are you suggesting otherwise? Are you about to come out in favor of gun rights and support the right for people to keep their guns? If so I will humbly apologize.

Start apologizing, then.

I'm not responsible for your misperceptions.

The Second Amendment (and Heller) say people have a right to bear arms.

Reason says that right is subject to being fit to exercise that right.

When have I ever stated otherwise?
violent people chose violent solutions.

non violent people are more willing to chose nonviolent solutions
Hug the mass shooter if you ever find yourself in front of one, be sure to let me know how it worked out for you!
Start apologizing, then.

I'm not responsible for your misperceptions.

The Second Amendment (and Heller) say people have a right to bear arms.

Reason says that right is subject to being fit to exercise that right.

When have I ever stated otherwise?

I will apologize when you state:

"I legion support the right of gun ownership and I am not seeking to have peoples guns taken away from them"

sign your name to that statement, and I will make a thread dedicating my apology to you.
"I, Hot Young Girls, support the right of gun ownership, and I am not seeking to have people's guns taken away from them".

Hot Young Girls