Do your political leanings differ much from your local area? (Public poll)

Do your political leanings differ much from your local area? (Public poll)

  • I'm pretty much the average prole in my area

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
But what happens when the money runs out?

The money runs out because it's spent on things that don't help the general population. Whether it's the unnecessary wars or planning on spending millions on a bridge in Alaska to service a handful of homes it's time to put the people first. From the wasteful Federal Government to local communities ripping out perfectly good sidewalks and street lighting so they can modernize Main Street while people in the community are struggling on welfare.

Or the check won't even buy food?

There is plenty of food available in the country. If food becomes too expensive the government should investigate why that's happening.

Food, housing, medical care...the basic things necessary for survival should be overseen by government. Let people acquire great wealth doing something other than making their fortunes off the suffering of others.

The problem is some people in government don't believe the government should be involved in helping so they deliberately attempt to sabotage government programs. That was never more clear than when Rumsfeld said the war with Iraq was an option they could afford.

How can they afford a war when some people can't afford medical care? Afford a war when some people can't afford to feed their family properly?

At least Obama had the sense to go through with ObamaCare regardless of the financial situation. As more money flows into medical care there will be less extra to afford another war. It's time to put programs for the general population at the top of the "must pay" list and then ask the citizens if they agree to a tax increase to install new sidewalks or start a war or build a bridge or erect a statue in the local park.

If the government can afford to destroy the infrastructure of a foreign country and then rebuild it utilizing tens of thousands of citizens there's plenty of money and manpower to feed and house the needy.

One more Obama term and the people, the world, will see just how great a country can be when run properly.

The Royal Couple
The money runs out because it's spent on things that don't help the general population. Whether it's the unnecessary wars or planning on spending millions on a bridge in Alaska to service a handful of homes it's time to put the people first. From the wasteful Federal Government to local communities ripping out perfectly good sidewalks and street lighting so they can modernize Main Street while people in the community are struggling on welfare.

There is plenty of food available in the country. If food becomes too expensive the government should investigate why that's happening.

Food, housing, medical care...the basic things necessary for survival should be overseen by government. Let people acquire great wealth doing something other than making their fortunes off the suffering of others.

The problem is some people in government don't believe the government should be involved in helping so they deliberately attempt to sabotage government programs. That was never more clear than when Rumsfeld said the war with Iraq was an option they could afford.

How can they afford a war when some people can't afford medical care? Afford a war when some people can't afford to feed their family properly?

At least Obama had the sense to go through with ObamaCare regardless of the financial situation. As more money flows into medical care there will be less extra to afford another war. It's time to put programs for the general population at the top of the "must pay" list and then ask the citizens if they agree to a tax increase to install new sidewalks or start a war or build a bridge or erect a statue in the local park.

If the government can afford to destroy the infrastructure of a foreign country and then rebuild it utilizing tens of thousands of citizens there's plenty of money and manpower to feed and house the needy.

One more Obama term and the people, the world, will see just how great a country can be when run properly.

The Royal Couple

Obama is killing this country by killing jobs. (And more)

Four more years would be the worst nightmare.
no they are doomed.

Look it's very simple. Once you give people money, it's next to impossible to take it back.

Good luck privatizing social security, or medicare.

Democrats realized this genius truth a long time ago. It's simple human nature. Once people get a taste, they are hooked. Government entitlement programs are more addicting than heroin.

Americans do not want small government, they only pretend to want small government when it benefits them in some way. Christians want small government until it comes to keeping their god out of every facet of our lives. Rich people want small government until it effects subsidizes for corporations. Liberals never want small government.

I used to be a hardcore libertarian. I still sympathize much with them, but I have had the optimism beaten out of me. They will never be successful, they are wasting their time. Their efforts would be better spent taking over new hampshire.

We are a nation of proles.

Americans definitely want a government at least 80% of it's current size. When you're talking about the entitlement programs, not even a majority of Republicans even want to cut the specific programs that make up almost all of it. Actually abolishing them is, I imagine, far less popular.
Americans definitely want a government at least 80% of it's current size. When you're talking about the entitlement programs, not even a majority of Republicans even want to cut the specific programs that make up almost all of it. Actually abolishing them is, I imagine, far less popular.

I draw a distinction between what people say and what people actually believe. The context of what you quoted by me said as such.

We are a nation of proles, and the vast majority of americans don't have any fucking clue of what they want.

Do you know how many teabaggers probably protest while collecting social security?

Republicans especially are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to all of this. They may have a platform of small government at their core, but their actions speak louder than words.
Americans definitely want a government at least 80% of it's current size. When you're talking about the entitlement programs, not even a majority of Republicans even want to cut the specific programs that make up almost all of it. Actually abolishing them is, I imagine, far less popular.
That's not true Skidmark. A majority of Americans say they want government reduced by 80%, until you actually start doing it. Then they scream bloody murder. Everyone is all for cutting government until it's the program you have a vested interest in. I'm sure those close to retirement age are militant against cuts in SS or Medicare nor does a employee of a defense contractor want to hear any crap about cuts in defense spending nor does a construction worker want to hear stuff about not spending money on infrastructure projects nor do right wingnuts want to hear about cuts in the mental health programs they so desperately need. So that's the eye of the paradox for legislature. They can talk about reducing the size of government until the cows come home but when they actually do something to limit the size of government they end up getting tossed out of office.
That's not true Skidmark. A majority of Americans say they want government reduced by 80%, until you actually start doing it. Then they scream bloody murder. Everyone is all for cutting government until it's the program you have a vested interest in. I'm sure those close to retirement age are militant against cuts in SS or Medicare nor does a employee of a defense contractor want to hear any crap about cuts in defense spending nor does a construction worker want to hear stuff about not spending money on infrastructure projects nor do right wingnuts want to hear about cuts in the mental health programs they so desperately need. So that's the eye of the paradox for legislature. They can talk about reducing the size of government until the cows come home but when they actually do something to limit the size of government they end up getting tossed out of office.

American's believe they want a government 80% smaller. In reality, they'd probably grow the government some. At most they'd strike at a few small programs they have ideological issues with and then launch spending programs worth many times the cuts.
American's believe they want a government 80% smaller. In reality, they'd probably grow the government some. At most they'd strike at a few small programs they have ideological issues with and then launch spending programs worth many times the cuts.
Hence the reason for a republic, not a democracy.
Scary part is he's not outside the mainstream of that community. There were several others in the bar who don't own a pot to piss in who were nodding their heads in agreement. They gave me a funny look when I made the BP stock wise crack. My old man was taking a sip of beer when I said that and he about spit it across the room.

Its a view held by the classical agrarian believers. I imagine it exists in any large farming community, and is a product of Jefferson's yeoman idealism (although Jefferson himself supported extending voting rights).
I'm a moderate, McCain/Dole/Bush Sr./Nixon without the paranoid delusions/Eisenhower Republican who tends to support guys like Paul/Johnson as a message to the GOP and as someone sympathetic to many libertarian platforms living in the Seattle area. This means I'm not radically divergent, but greatly different. Most Seattle liberals can't stomach radical leftists, which is why Mayor McGinn keeps getting pwned by Seattle voters on all of his dopiest initiatives. Seattle liberals typically vote left for office holders and right for actual initiatives and referendums. They are most liberal when it comes to lifestyle and political organizing.
Americans definitely want a government at least 80% of it's current size. When you're talking about the entitlement programs, not even a majority of Republicans even want to cut the specific programs that make up almost all of it. Actually abolishing them is, I imagine, far less popular.

Many years ago, my mother told me that people in hell wanted ice water.
Many years ago, my mother told me that people in hell wanted ice water.

Primarily because their cells on Earth call out for water due to its usefulness in keeping them functioning. Apparently, in hell, cells are kept functioning through magic, but they still call out for Earthly needs*.

*Because the primitive people's who invented the myth didn't understand the science behind why we want water and simply assumed it was an intrinsic part of reality.
Primarily because their cells on Earth call out for water due to its usefulness in keeping them functioning. Apparently, in hell, cells are kept functioning through magic, but they still call out for Earthly needs*.

*Because the primitive people's who invented the myth didn't understand the science behind why we want water and simply assumed it was an intrinsic part of reality.
Thank you for this useful post.
Primarily because their cells on Earth call out for water due to its usefulness in keeping them functioning. Apparently, in hell, cells are kept functioning through magic, but they still call out for Earthly needs*.

*Because the primitive people's who invented the myth didn't understand the science behind why we want water and simply assumed it was an intrinsic part of reality.

Hey, what do moms know anyway.