“Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the Covid vaccines.”



Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid ‘Vaccines’​

A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.

He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.

Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.

He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.

The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.

Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration.

“They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.

“It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.

This is why alternative media is so good. It allows alternate ideas to be aired. There absolutely may be somthing to this. But You also need to realize how much big money is involved with this new onslaught of fear being pushed globally by WHO. Follow the money.
There has been lots of investment into cancer therapies as well for likely the same reason, plus fans of the mRNA platform think that it can be used for cancer.
The theory that COVID is a con game to make money has a lot of evidence but I think that the truth is darker....I think the main mission of COVID is some combination of enslaving the masses and human depopulation.
There has been lots of investment into cancer therapies as well for likely the same reason, plus fans of the mRNA platform think that it can be used for cancer.
I'm aware of efforts and in reality there may be some fruitful results there. But to use mRNA and nanoparticles for Covid and Flu at this point is pure insanity and I believe what was done to the global population was evil.
I've heard this about shingles being one of the many side effects of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine years ago.
This doctor believes they decided to cash in on this in a very dishonest fashion.

Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid ‘Vaccines’​

A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.

He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.

Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.

He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.

The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.

Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration.

“They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.

“It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.

This is why alternative media is so good. It allows alternate ideas to be aired. There absolutely may be somthing to this. But You also need to realize how much big money is involved with this new onslaught of fear being pushed globally by WHO. Follow the money.
"slay news"?

I'm aware of efforts and in reality there may be some fruitful results there. But to use mRNA and nanoparticles for Covid and Flu at this point is pure insanity and I believe what was done to the global population was evil.
I've heard this about shingles being one of the many side effects of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine years ago.
This doctor believes they decided to cash in on this in a very dishonest fashion.
It was pure insanity a long time ago and the Overlords are still selling it, and pumping this shit into kids was insanity from the jump.....so since health is not the mission what is?
The theory that COVID is a con game to make money has a lot of evidence but I think that the truth is darker....I think the main mission of COVID is some combination of enslaving the masses and human depopulation.
Yes, our evil plan to make you all wear masks is nearly complete!!

The COVID Martial Law authors were paying very close attention to polling telling them what they could get away with, and they kept going for the max....that is something to notice.
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So what. Geez never fails.
This is why alternative media is so good. It allows alternate ideas to be aired.
My time spent on Regime media is about down to nothing.....it is almost all lies.....it is the narrative my my abuser....the Regime.
"They are not even promoting vitamin D, this is not about our health, this is about something else"
There has been lots of investment into cancer therapies as well for likely the same reason, plus fans of the mRNA platform think that it can be used for cancer.
this is all fucking bullshit, dumbass.

the world isn't doing this shit again.

sorry, chinky poo.

the cure for cancer is known.

Keto is the cure for cancer.
"slay news"?

I felt dirty just reading about them.

"Slay News is a conservative news and opinion website that frequently promotes misinformation and false claims, especially as it relates to Covid-19 vaccines and WEF conspiracies (see failed fact checks).

The website does not produce original journalism but rather summarizes, adds commentary, or plagiarizes other’s news content without attribution. Further, their editorial standards page is copied directly from The Blaze website. Articles and headlines contain strongly emotional wording such as this ‘Climate Czar’ John Kerry Caught Lying about Private Jet Use during House Hearing and Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist: ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Is a Hoax.

Editorially, all stories favor the conservative right and often promote conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. For example, they frequently promote anti-vaccine propaganda, such as this ‘Vaccination Expert’ Dr Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42 after Promoting Shots on TV. There is no evidence to indicate the MD died from the vaccine. Further, the source of this information is the anti-vaccine outlet Died Suddenly. Finally, Slay News strongly supports former President Trump and repeats his stolen election claims like this Dinesh D’Souza Challenges Bill Barr to Debate over Election Fraud Claims in ‘2000 Mules’. They also consistently denigrate Democrats, such as this Obama’s WH Doctor Warns Biden’s Mental Decline ‘Brings Us Closer’ to WW3. In general, Slay News is a far-right biased news source that routinely promotes disinformation for purposes that are unknown."

Nope, not wasting my time.

Slay News - Right Bias - Hate Group - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Slay News Far-Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, right-wing propaganda, poor sourcing, lack of transparency, failed fact checks, and blatant plagiarism.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, Fake News, False Claims, Poor Sourcing, Lack of Transparency, Plagiarism
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid ‘Vaccines’​

A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.

He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.

Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.

He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.

The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.

Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration.

“They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.

“It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.

This is why alternative media is so good. It allows alternate ideas to be aired. There absolutely may be somthing to this. But You also need to realize how much big money is involved with this new onslaught of fear being pushed globally by WHO. Follow the money.
My time spent on Regime media is about down to nothing.....it is almost all lies.....it is the narrative my my abuser....the Regime.

Is the "regime" abusing you? Awwww, that sounds really rough. What are they doing to you? Are they using the Space Lasers to beam things into your mind? How about the street lights...have they started telling you what to do? Gotta be careful, the Left is all about mind control.