Says the guy ignoring the article presented in response to his article.
I told you it was behind a paywall. Maybe you should read closer.

What I have to say about Fauci is simply what I believe based on what the science says
And what "science" are you citing here?
when compared to what he said about this subject. I get that you like articles that present you with "facts" that meet your bias
My article was not behind a paywall. Try reading it and tell me which thing you disagree with most. If you can.
and do not like the NY Times article that doesn't fit your confirmation bias,
Again, it was behind a paywall. I honestly don't know how much clearer I can be for you. I didn't read it because I don't subscribe.
but it doesn't change the reality that my opinion is based on something other than my "feels" as you claim.
Please forgive me here but I suspect you have ZERO technical ability in the field of virology or the sciences in general. So how do you KNOW you are going after something other than your own "feels"?
I believe you should obtain information from sources that are not within your echo chamber and instead actually challenge your mind. While I would always love to believe what folks like Fauci tell me, what I have learned in this lifetime is that like every other human out there even folks like Fauci lie.
The funny thing is, you lot never heard of Fauci before 2020. He's a giant in the field of public health and has been for about 40 years now. This whole Trump-inspired "Fauci lies" approach is laughable on its face.
But it's easy for folks with no scientific background to think scientists lie when they say things that don't make them happy.
I've seen it so many times and in pretty much every case what the scientific illiterate thought was a lie was nothing of the sort. We've seen it with climate change, we've seen it with ozone, we've seen it ad nauseam.
The worst part is that those of you who don't do science for a living don't seem to understand that science is the discipline of LEARNING. Not all information that comes out at the beginning of a disaster will be accurate.
These people who slave for YOUR BENEFIT are not lying to you. They are doing their level best.
Unless, of course, whatever it is YOU do for a living is made up of liars and corrupt people. Is that it? If that's all you see in YOUR field then I guess I can understand why you might see it in other fields.
It's just not real, though.