Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
...and you're part of it, Sybil! Congrats!Racism and bigotry occurs every day on JPP, dumbass.
...and you're part of it, Sybil! Congrats!Racism and bigotry occurs every day on JPP, dumbass.
Overt American Nazis are disgusting, to be sure, but overt American Nazis are also inconsequential in numbers and power.
Mainstream American "conservatives" are the ones who have sabotaged all America's efforts to reach its potential as a nation.
We're not a shamefully socially regressive nation because of American Nazis.
We're exactly that because of American goobers.
That's the gist of it. Neo-Nazis are miniscule in numbers and everybody hates them including other Neo-Nazis.
And yet they commit acts of terrorism.
SPLC did a survey and figured there are 917 hate groups operating in the USA. People in the Michigan Militia were involved in the Oklahoma Murrah building bombing. Every state had white power/Nazi groups. Charlotteville was their chance to prance. White power is not a small problem. There were plenty of them in Trump's insurrection.
Magatards and Trump = fascist white supremacist
Yes their ideas have become main stream in maga world
I'm sure you can provide some documented incidents from credible sources for this bullshit, right?
I am not a Jew.
Sure it does. The radical Right, like neo-Nazis and such run up a higher body count in violent individual acts. The radical Left, like Antifa or BLM, terrorize thousands, cause 10's to 100's of millions in property damage, beat and injure far more people, and in general cost society grossly more than a few neo-Nazi knuckleheads that NOBODY likes. Worse, you can find members of Antifa, BLM, and other radical Leftist groups in politics and government whereas no neo-Nazis occupy such positions normally, and on the rare occasion where one does get into such a position they are removed the second their affiliation is found out unlike a radical Leftist.
...and you're part of it, Sybil! Congrats!
Radical left. Nazism is socialism.
Leukemia inhibitory factor? Lithium Fluoride? Life Income Fund? Likes Incellish Fuckwits?LIF.
Grow up.
The modern version in America is on the radical Right. They are racist, hate government, and don't play well with others.
Radical left. Nazism is socialism. Yes...they are racist, and hate the Constitution, just like Democrats.
The original ones in Germany were Leftists, the modern American version, not so much.
NAZIs are left wing, not right wing.Sure it does. The radical Right, like neo-Nazis and such run up a higher body count in violent individual acts.
They are all leftists. NAZIs aren't violent as far as I can tell.The radical Left, like Antifa or BLM, terrorize thousands, cause 10's to 100's of millions in property damage, beat and injure far more people, and in general cost society grossly more than a few neo-Nazi knuckleheads that NOBODY likes.
Is your memory so short or bad that you can't recall the previous dozen plus times I've done that here?
... and I thank you for providing the persecution and the HATE and the cowardice and the fear. You support the point better than any one person could alone.Oh boo hoo hoo, you poor little persecuted snowflake.
So? Shall I assume that your deafness is preventing you from understanding what I write?I am not a Jew.