Documenting Hate: New American Nazis

The modern version in America is on the radical Right.
Incorrect. It's NAZIsm. It's a fascist socialist ideology. You don't get to simply declare that it is Libertarian. It is a radical left wing ideology.

They are racist, hate government, and don't play well with others.
They don't have government. They want their own segregated government, because they are bigots, not racists.
Incorrect. It's NAZIsm. It's a fascist socialist ideology. You don't get to simply declare that it is Libertarian. It is a radical left wing ideology.

The American version today are only adopting the symbolatry. The rest of the movement is very much anti-government, individualist anarchist, Sovereign citizen, 1% biker type stuff.

They don't have government. They want their own segregated government, because they are bigots, not racists.

They don't want government at all. They want to do whatever they like.
Wrong. I have provided that information on this board at least a dozen times in the past. I'm not doing it again to placate you.

Okay, Cletus, that's fine.

Our very own Homeland Security classifies multiple Reichwing groups as a danger. Compare with how few LW groups are considered a threat. In fact, "In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country." This was written in the early 2000s. It's even worse now.
The American version today are only adopting the symbolatry.
I get it. They are trying to emulate a Marxist anarchist hybrid. It's still far left wing.

Imagine how left wing the Democrats are. Go a little farther left. Now you are getting into Marxist range. Hitler was in this range. Stalin was in this range.

I get it.

If there is a god, he will indeed send you to hell, Nazi boi.
Okay, Cletus, that's fine.

Our very own Homeland Security classifies multiple Reichwing groups as a danger. Compare with how few LW groups are considered a threat. In fact, "In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country." This was written in the early 2000s. It's even worse now.

They base that analysis SOLELY on body count. That is a very poor measure of the threat. Antifa and BLM in the last few years have caused in excess of 10 billion in property damage to cities across the US. Sure, the radical Right is better at killing people in isolated incidents conducted by one or a few persons, but the radical Left turns out in the thousands to riot and destroy the downtowns of cities across the US pretty regularly.
Really. That makes sense to you? Then you should do that. Do you think being tranny is problem free while people like you are around?
White men have been the privileged segment of American society since day one. Damn, do you have it wrong.

democrats are Nazis. And water is wet.

Some events cause the Nazi party to become so deranged that their carefully crafted façade cracks and you see them in all their evil. Such is the case with the Anti-Grooming bill in Florida that stops public school teachers from sexualizing 4 and 5 year olds. The Nazi democrats have decided this is the hill they will die on, grooming now and forever.

But why?

"democrats just want to diddle kiddies" is the stock answer. But is that really it? Are all 81 million democrats, living and dead pedophiles? Some are to be sure, Joe Biden. But for the most part this misses the mark of what the democrats are trying to do.

Ultimately the goal of democrats is the destruction of America and the establishment of totalitarian dictatorship. democrats are Nazis. What this is, is critical theory in action. Young children are brought into the public schools and divided into oppressors, the hated whites, and oppressed, everyone else. A 4 or 5 year child is brought into the viper pit that is the public schools and either taught that they are an oppressed minority who should hate white oppressors or they are white and evil oppressors.

A 5 year old white child has no understanding of "oppression." They only know that teacher says they're bad, and they don't know what they did, they just want to please teacher. But they are the oppressor, they are bad and nothing they do can make it better.

Until one day teacher tells them that trans and non-binary kids are special and good like the non-white kids, all they have to do is be trans, and they will no longer be hated, but beloved oppressed minorities.

You see, it has nothing to with democrats wanting to diddle kids, the Nazis are creating Hitler Youth, they are destroying the cultural identity of children and replacing it with one they can control and manipulate.

It is CRITICAL that the Nazis indoctrinate children at an extremely young age for this to work.
Normal, well-adjusted Euro-American males know that's not a problem since they rarely encounter racism or bigotry.

My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party

That said, all hate is wrong. All bigotry is wrong. Whining, playing the victim and pointing fingers only exacerbates the problem, not fixes it.

You are the new Nazis - you have your scapegoat. And as we've seen in other threads today, your ultimate goal is the same as that which Hitler had for the Jews.
SPLC did a survey and figured there are 917 hate groups operating in the USA.

SPLC is a hate group.

Anyone who would label "Focus on the Family" as a "hate group," has zero credibility.

As the late great Walter Williams said - "the SPLC is the Klan with a Tan."

People in the Michigan Militia were involved in the Oklahoma Murrah building bombing.

That's a lie.

The group that McVeigh and Nichols were involved with was "Elohim City," which had ties to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Al Qaeda. Terry Nichols learned how to make the bomb used in OKC from MILF, where he attended a terrorist training camp.

Every state had white power/Nazi groups. Charlotteville was their chance to prance. White power is not a small problem. There were plenty of them in Trump's insurrection.

I understand that you hate white people - as is the official position of the Nazi democrat Reich. Isn't it odd that anyone can have pride, except for the hated whites. The idea that whites are good and have a positive impact on society OUTRAGES you of the Nazi party.
The American version today are only adopting the symbolatry. The rest of the movement is very much anti-government, individualist anarchist, Sovereign citizen, 1% biker type stuff.

They don't want government at all. They want to do whatever they like.

No, they want to BE the government.
They base that analysis SOLELY on body count. That is a very poor measure of the threat. Antifa and BLM in the last few years have caused in excess of 10 billion in property damage to cities across the US. Sure, the radical Right is better at killing people in isolated incidents conducted by one or a few persons, but the radical Left turns out in the thousands to riot and destroy the downtowns of cities across the US pretty regularly.

What is 'radical right'????!?

Nazism is a leftist idea. It is socialism. It is racism. It is bigotry.
What is 'radical right'????!?

Nazism is a leftist idea. It is socialism. It is racism. It is bigotry.

The radical Right or far Right are groups like, sovereign citizens, 1% bikers, tiny militia groups with less than a dozen members that go in the woods and 'play' army, that sort. They are uniformly anti-government, often racist, usually not the sharpest tools in the shed. Real Nazis of the German sort from the 30's and 40's would have had this sort imprisoned or shot as a danger to their rule much like the Nazis did to Ernst Rohm's Brownshirts.
They base that analysis SOLELY on body count. That is a very poor measure of the threat. Antifa and BLM in the last few years have caused in excess of 10 billion in property damage to cities across the US. Sure, the radical Right is better at killing people in isolated incidents conducted by one or a few persons, but the radical Left turns out in the thousands to riot and destroy the downtowns of cities across the US pretty regularly.

Your bullshit about BLM being a radical leftist group is duly noted, and dismissed. Ditto for your Antifa boogeyman.

WTF is wrong with you people? You think that ppl legitimately protesting against a deadly social injustice (police killings of unarmed ppl of color) is "radical"?

This is why you all will continue to lose elections, and eventually push yourselves over the cliff of extinction.

Good job.