Does any genre matter any more besides hip hop?

Even some white artists who clearly draw heavy inspiration from the distinctive parts of R&B are usually referred to as pop. It's weird. There's also always been a huge cycle where corporations shove together a bunch of attractive white teens who then totally rip off R&B and get a thousand times the attention that any black artist would ever get making the same sounds. Although that's less in recent years.

Hip hop has been super resistant to this surprisingly. Like there are a few white rappers out there, but the only one that's generally respected is Eminem. Who is good but does clearly get much more attention than black artists of equal quality.

It was so annoying the other day I went over to a friends house and mentioned that I liked hip hop, and he decided to pull up youtube chromecast and show me all his hip hop stuff that he'd been getting into lately. Except every. Single. Artist. Was. White. Just a bunch of really mediocore b grade white rappers who thought that the genre was just about talking fast. Like bro do you expect me not to notice this? I can show where to find some actually good hip hop, just close your eyes first...

I don't consider genre blending necessarily a bad thing over the long haul but "Fuck The Police Straight From the Underground. Another crazy muthafucker named Hunter Brendan Davis, IV," doesn't really have the same edge to it :awesome:

I am more perplexed by Taylor Swift. Her music isn't even in the same country as Country but she is considered a Country artist. I guess it is because she is from Tennessee.
Even some white artists who clearly draw heavy inspiration from the distinctive parts of R&B are usually referred to as pop. It's weird. There's also always been a huge cycle where corporations shove together a bunch of attractive white teens who then totally rip off R&B and get a thousand times the attention that any black artist would ever get making the same sounds. Although that's less in recent years.

Hip hop has been super resistant to this surprisingly. Like there are a few white rappers out there, but the only one that's generally respected is Eminem. Who is good but does clearly get much more attention than black artists of equal quality.

It was so annoying the other day I went over to a friends house and mentioned that I liked hip hop, and he decided to pull up youtube chromecast and show me all his hip hop stuff that he'd been getting into lately. Except every. Single. Artist. Was. White. Just a bunch of really mediocore b grade white rappers who thought that the genre was just about talking fast. Like bro do you expect me not to notice this? I can show where to find some actually good hip hop, just close your eyes first...

That's because there are no rappers of equal or white.
You could say the same in reverse about modern country music.


.kcalb era yeht ekil mees ot tnaw ohw elpoep etihw dna elpoep kcalb yb pop si B &R esuaceb si tahT


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whichever reversal you prefer (:

There aren't nearly as many blacks doing country music at the elite levels though.
I don't consider genre blending necessarily a bad thing over the long haul but "Fuck The Police Straight From the Underground. Another crazy muthafucker named Hunter Brendan Davis, IV," doesn't really have the same edge to it :awesome:

I am more perplexed by Taylor Swift. Her music isn't even in the same country as Country but she is considered a Country artist. I guess it is because she is from Tennessee.

She used to make pop-country. By the time her album 1989 came around she was basically 100% pop with no country dressings left.
Emmylou Harris and that aggravating twang. She could no more sing that song as Underwood did than you could.

I doubt that. When this was recorded Robbie Robertson had just written the song the night before. Emmylou arrived at the set the next day and they practiced the song once before they recorded one take. Though I do take your point about the's not an effectation or as cliche as whats her names constant hillbilly yodels. Of course not being a country music fan I don't listen to her recordings and it is possible that her management has broken her of the god awful habit. Knowing modern Nashville...probably not.
I doubt that. When this was recorded Robbie Robertson had just written the song the night before. Emmylou arrived at the set the next day and they practiced the song once before they recorded one take. Though I do take your point about the's not an effectation or as cliche as whats her names constant hillbilly yodels. Of course not being a country music fan I don't listen to her recordings and it is possible that her management has broken her of the god awful habit. Knowing modern Nashville...probably not.

I can see where such simplistic music sung in twangy monotone could be done in one take
it is true. I was telling my younger homies that I block bleed with that there used to be different genres back in the old days. they didn't believe me.

A lot of that was caused by the radio though... different radio stations needed different identities, they concentrated on one type of sound to distinguish themselves. When radio died it sort of all blended together? Now it's just a spectrum from pop to hip hop. Country and indie rock became a lot more like pop artists until they basically were pop artists (Taylor Swift, Bastille, Imagine Dragons, etc). Genres that were stubborn died out basically. Hip hop was the only thing that was able to keep its own identity, that's why it gets so much cred these days to be honest. It's the only genre left with any sort of distinctiveness or genuineness. And still, like half of the last Drake album is fucking pop.

Technically EDM and techno didn't die, it just became the background soundtrack to hip hop.

I can honestly see a point in the future where all music is just pop songs with a few rap bars in the break. Like rap will just be a little sideshow in a pop song. Despacito a thousand times over. So enjoy it while it lasts.