As usual, bigly wrong. He is getting every break he can. The genius Repubs who believe Benghazi was a crime after 7 investigations proving they were wrong, believe Kavanaugh. they believe in a Vince Foster murder.
Want fucking evidence, have an FBI investigation. Ford asks for one. if she has nothing, the FBI can prove it. Bret should be jumping at he chance. Instead, she is.
try and understand. this is not a trial and not a court. it is a hearing, a big-time job application. We are just checking his job references.
You rightys believe the strangest crap, but nothing Bret has ever done can be wrong. Woman after woman, has said he did horrible things to women and had a drinking problem. Not good for a Supreme. He will be on the court for upto 40 years. There is no rush. We should do it right.