Does anybody here use Facebook?

No. I did have a myspace page, as I mentioned in that other thread, but just before I came here, I was deleting it, or deactivating it, whatever it is called, because if I didn't, I'd end up losing my temper at a couple of friends of mine who are actually so low as to use me as a pawn in the fallout from their affair, which was a sleazy one to begin with.

As far as I have seen, these sites are a place where adults can regress back into childhood. This place is stupid too, but I guess it's my kind of stupid, and those social networking sites are definitely not.
I have never felt the need to acquire hundreds of "friends", the ones i currently have are bad enough.

Consequently, i turn my nose up at the Facebooks and their idiot users.
I have never felt the need to acquire hundreds of "friends", the ones i currently have are bad enough.

Consequently, i turn my nose up at the Facebooks and their idiot users.

I have a facebook page and do not feel the need to acquire hundreds of "friends" either.

But with 3 college age kids and friends all over the country, its a good way to keep in touch without having to remember who you have talked to recently and who you haven't.

Its like anything else, it depends on what you want and what you expect from it.

I had a myspace (unsure if I still do) that I used for the same purpose. I think facebook is better.
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I have a facebook page and do not feel the need to acquire hundreds of "friends" either.

But with 3 college age kids and friends all over the country, its a good way to keep in touch without having to remember who you have talked to recently and who you haven't.

Its like anything else, it depends on what you want and what you expect from it.

I had a myspace (unsure if I still do) that I used for the same purpose. I think facebook is better.

I shall excuse your use of the Facebooks, Sol, if you assure me you do not change your Facebooks 'mood' on a daily basis.

Those people should be killed. Think carefully.
I shall excuse your use of the Facebooks, Sol, if you assure me you do not change your Facebooks 'mood' on a daily basis.

Those people should be killed. Think carefully.

I think I did put "Happy New Year" up on my status. Before that it was "Happy Halloween".

There is a 'mood' setting? I guess I don't pay attention to the trappings as well as some.
And if anyone using facebook wants to, send me a PM and I'll add you.

Always interesting to see what people are like in their "real" life.
I started using facebook recently when someone from my high school graduating class snail mailed me. I then found out that not only are some of my old high school friends on it, but some of my own extended family as well. I've also found it a very convenient way to track gun rights groups and all the events that go on around my area.
Really? So you are a facebook guy? Do you use it mostly for family, or do you use it to spread your ridiculous political opinions, or do you use it to torment your friends?

Actually, I originally used it for family and college friends spread throughout the country. It is a great way to keep in touch. Lately, other friends from the past have "found" me on the site. It is kind of fun to get back in touch and see what they have been up to in the past twenty years. I like it.

Also, it is an easy way to share photos, so I get to see updated shots of my nieces.

So aspects of it are annoying, but it does allow you to customize your site to reduce the effects of those items.
Actually, I originally used it for family and college friends spread throughout the country. It is a great way to keep in touch. Lately, other friends from the past have "found" me on the site. It is kind of fun to get back in touch and see what they have been up to in the past twenty years. I like it.

Also, it is an easy way to share photos, so I get to see updated shots of my nieces.

So aspects of it are annoying, but it does allow you to customize your site to reduce the effects of those items.

Exactly. That is what makes it handy and worthwhile.

Its easy to see the updates and new things in people's lives. And the pics are a huge bonus.
I have never felt the need to acquire hundreds of "friends", the ones i currently have are bad enough.

Consequently, i turn my nose up at the Facebooks and their idiot users.

Poor Tom will be so disapointed , he wanted so much to be the friend of EVERY person in the world.

Oh yeah I forgot Tom is on the lowly Myspace not the elite face book.
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