Does anybody here use Facebook?

Poor Tom will be so disapointed , he wanted so much to be the friend of EVERY person in the world.

Oh yeah I forgot Tom is on the lowly Myspace not the elite face book.

Thats right! We elitist FaceBook users resent being confused with Tom and his bunch of loser. Of course we are better.

I have never felt the need to acquire hundreds of "friends", the ones i currently have are bad enough.

Consequently, i turn my nose up at the Facebooks and their idiot users.

No one uses facebook to acquire friends, except the extremely desperate, and everyone ignores them.
To Water, I'm an old lady who has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. (how is that for an old saying!)

Ok, when you use sayings like that you earn you place in the Old Fart Club. lol
I have never felt the need to acquire hundreds of "friends", the ones i currently have are bad enough.

Consequently, i turn my nose up at the Facebooks and their idiot users.

I hadn't wanted to put it that way, but ... yeah.
Actually, I originally used it for family and college friends spread throughout the country. It is a great way to keep in touch. Lately, other friends from the past have "found" me on the site. It is kind of fun to get back in touch and see what they have been up to in the past twenty years. I like it.

Also, it is an easy way to share photos, so I get to see updated shots of my nieces.

So aspects of it are annoying, but it does allow you to customize your site to reduce the effects of those items.

Yeah, facebook's cool. You can always be in touch with your old high school friends (even though it doesn't really replace face to face communication, they don't immediately fade out of your life like they did in the old days).
Yeah, facebook's cool. You can always be in touch with your old high school friends (even though it doesn't really replace face to face communication, they don't immediately fade out of your life like they did in the old days).

I hadn't kept in touch with anyone from high school (20 years ago for me). I recently had a bunch find me on fb. Good to catch up a bit.

You are correct in that it doesn't compare to face to face, but when spread out all over the country (and outside the country) it beats not being in contact at all.
I heard that them republickens staterd their facebook type of board and call it assbook.
Scared the pee out of me when I stubled onto that link.
I have a Facebook. I went to a bunch of different schools in different places so it's a good way for me to keep in touch with people I don't see often anymore. Also a lot of my friends are way too poor/irresponsible to maintain a working cell phone so it's pretty much the only means of contacting a lot of them.