Trump's calls for mass deportation are really nothing more than amping up the base to be prepared for a "final solution" to the border problem.
The first thing that MUST be achieved is to dehumanize these "migrants" as "vermin" and "cockroaches". Then make up some blood libels against them....nothing too bad to start off with, how about "eat people's pets". yeah that'll work. For effect throw in a few cases where illegals actually DID something bad and make it sound like ALL of them do it.
Then get the base to chant "MASS DEPORTATION" while holding their signs.
Maybe one day we can have someone go around with white paint and paint the windows of those places where immigrants live and paint some sign on the window to alert everyone that an immigrant is here. If the immigrant is tested and found to be one that is NOT on the approved list they will be deported forthwith.
Might have a bit of a backlog, so the camps will come in handy just until we can get 'em across the border. But if the camps become TOO crowded something else may have to happen.