Sounds good, you're really trying to sound even-handed and equally hard-hitting. Except, there are a few tiny facts that always seem to mess up tbe perfect left-wing narrative.
First off, let me point out that in both 2016 and 2024, the Democrats outspent the Republicans by a mile, and in both cases, the Dems lost. This makes it pretty damn hard to argue that money wins elections. No, ideas win elections, or, bad ideas lose them.
Oh, and Harris had sooo many small donations, while Trump relied on big, greedy, rich scum for his campaign. I made quite the effort to find out where all these 'small donations' were coming from because, frankly, I couldn't imagine the average middle-class or lower-class citizen would waste their hard-earned money on such a phony hack. So, I dug in, and surprise, surprise, it's a fucking labyrinth. All these 'little donations' funneled through Act Blue, that lovely little organization that does the libtards' campaigns the favor of collecting all those tiny checks or CC transactions and keeping the books. They're supposed to be all about transparency. Just try asking for that info and see how 'freely' they provide it. They've been and still are being hounded for such information because of accusations of fraud, foreign contributions, hundreds of similar signatures at the same banks, suspicious CC names and details, blah, blah, blah. Given the 4% they skim off the top, it's mind-boggling why Harris or anyone would want Act Blue to collect those dollars instead of just having the money go straight into their campaign. hmmm.Laundering? Naa, Well, that was wordy, but maybe someone finds it interesting.
As for X, this one cracks me up. How about Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., etc.? Are those not social media apps? Oh yeah, wasn't there something about 420 million that Mr. Facebook admitted to spending, not counting all the 'misinformation' he banned and the stories that were absolutely true but got deleted? And how about every network other than Fox? Most are essentially extensions of the DNC. Then we could talk about all the websites, Hollywood, universities, and... I know I'm missing about a hundred more things.
So, don't try this bullshit how the SC ruined the noble intentions of politicians to fight an even fight. lol The decision the SC made was spot on, in keeping with our 1st Amendment, which is a big one for non-drones, that is. All we need to clean up elections are better candidates. The amount of money is just an easy scapegoat for the side that loses because it sounds good. I'll argue for no limits every damn day of the week. You see, no limits could, in theory, allow a person with relatively little money to run with one or more wealthy backers. Arbitrary limits only serve to limit who has a chance in politics. Don't we all want anyone to have a shot that has the right ideas and traits to lead the country, regardless of how connected or wealthy they are?
I'll probably hear we should just give each candidate the exact same amount of money, what's wrong with that? Nothing if you're naive enough to believe that all other factors are equal. Like the media coverage is always equal, social media platform owner are all straight down the middle, hollywood never favors one candidate over another, and again I'll mention the A-Political Universities across the fruited plains. The fact is money is just as much speech as any of the other things mentioned, so we should never limit it. Transparency, Sure