Does Citizens United rank as one of the worst decisions of any SCOTUS?

Sure, because the corporations love to give money to the leftists too and that's just bad policy, so this means it must be bad to have free speech for people who gather (forget that pesky first amendment) and form corporations, you know like Unions who donate to and run PACs then receive money from more billionaires than republicans PACs.... jerks.
From politics make strange bedfellows Josh Hawley
Another one missing the point, viewing it in partisan glasses

It is not about who raised the most money, but rather the extraordinary amount of money raised, ain’t is out of control. If ten individuals can contribute close to half a billion dollars to a candidate something is wrong, and none of this includes the dark money raised by PACs

Point being Citizens United is a disaster and is putting us on the path to an oligarchy
People have complained about money in politics and politicians being bought long before Citizens United. McCain-Feingold was the topic du jour a couple of decades ago and all that would have done is just redistribute where the money comes from and who spends it. It wasn't going to get money out of politics.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I love it but it's our system, based on free speech, and we are never going to 'get money out of politics'. That's an idealistic vision not wrapped in reality.

What results have shown is that those with the most money aren't guaranteed to win.
“Fifteen years later, Citizens United defined the 2024 election”
“The influence of wealthy donors and dark money was unprecedented. Much of it would have been illegal before the Supreme Court swept away long-established campaign finance rules.”

“The most striking consequence of Citizens United continues to be the expanded influence of the very wealthiest donors. Last year, donors who gave at least $5 million to super PACs in the presidential race spent more than twice as much as they did in 2020. Roughly 44 percent ($481 million) of all the money raised to support Trump came from just 10 individual donors. The top 10 donors supporting Harris accounted for nearly 8 percent ($126 million) of her campaign. For both candidates, most of this money came from outside groups like super PACs.”

“These changes set the stage for Musk in particular to play a central role in the election. He gave at least $277 million to two super PACs that supported Trump. Harris had her own billionaire backers, most of whom also donated through super PACs and dark money groups“

“Massive spending was not the only way that billionaires were able to shape the 2024 race. X amplified Musk’s activity. Prior to Citizens United, the direct use of corporate resources to advocate for a candidate was typically limited to traditional press activities, which are exempt from most campaign finance rules. Now, however, a corporation like X — which, had it existed prior to Citizens United, would likely not have been categorized as engaging in press activity.

In other words, today, political offices are bought, no way an individual gives a candidate $240 million without expecting something in return, it certainly ain’t because he “likes his policies.” And that doesn’t even include foreign nations “contributions”

This, and several other equally stupid decisions, shows how Robert’s Court has totally fucked up America, and contributing to a nation quickly evolving into an oligarchy

Always remember Obama in his State of the Union address publicly in front of a nationwide TV audience scolding the Court for this decision, and Alito shanking his mead no, which 2024 proves Obama was 100% correct

citizens united is fascism.

From politics make strange bedfellows Josh Hawley

People have complained about money in politics and politicians being bought long before Citizens United. McCain-Feingold was the topic du jour a couple of decades ago and all that would have done is just redistribute where the money comes from and who spends it. It wasn't going to get money out of politics.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I love it but it's our system, based on free speech, and we are never going to 'get money out of politics'. That's an idealistic vision not wrapped in reality.

What results have shown is that those with the most money aren't guaranteed to win.
Correct, there always existed a problem of money in politics, however, prior to Citizens United, it could be somewhat policed, but after Citizens United, the levies are open. For example, foreign monies was strictly a no no, yet now, via secret donors allowed thru Pacs, no one knows where the money is coming from or who.

Common sense alone tells you the free speech rationale is bullshit, can corporations vote? Do they have other rights granted to the citizenry? Why is it a Court supposedly led by Originalism and Textualism come up with such a liberal view of free speech?

Once again, it isn’t about who raised the most or how they did or if they got elected, rather, that money is now the major player in elections, and when that bulk of that money is coming from a select group of individuals, it is counter productive to the principles the country is based upon. And it is all due to Citizens United

citizens united is fascism.

Sure, because the corporations love to give money to the leftists too and that's just bad policy, so this means it must be bad to have free speech for people who gather (forget that pesky first amendment) and form corporations, you know like Unions who donate to and run PACs then receive money from more billionaires than republicans PACs.... jerks.
Another one, last time, it is not about partisan politics, not about who got money, who won elections, not Democrat nor Republican, but rather that Citizens United opened up the flood gates to money in politics, which is leading us down the road to an oligarchy j
Correct, there always existed a problem of money in politics, however, prior to Citizens United, it could be somewhat policed, but after Citizens United, the levies are open. For example, foreign monies was strictly a no no, yet now, via secret donors allowed thru Pacs, no one knows where the money is coming from or who.

This is nothing more than laughable opinion filled bullshit.

Common sense alone tells you the free speech rationale is bullshit, can corporations vote? Do they have other rights granted to the citizenry? Why is it a Court supposedly led by Originalism and Textualism come up with such a liberal view of free speech?

Common sense tells us that an unhinged leftist liar who calls free speech bullshit is full of bullshit himself.

Once again, it isn’t about who raised the most or how they did or if they got elected, rather, that money is now the major player in elections, and when that bulk of that money is coming from a select group of individuals, it is counter productive to the principles the country is based upon. And it is all due to Citizens United

You sad, uninformed, uneducated little dimwit; money has ALWAYS influenced politics and elections. :palm:

The rescinded law did NOTHING to end money influence. It was about free speech and the Constitution. Something brainless unhinged whiny little leftists like you hate.
Another one, last time, it is not about partisan politics, not about who got money, who won elections, not Democrat nor Republican, but rather that Citizens United opened up the flood gates to money in politics, which is leading us down the road to an oligarchy j
Again, translation from liberalese into English (translations provided by the letter threeve and the number H): That pesky first amendment that allows people to gather and form corporations! Those freedoms we have guaranteed by the constitution, they suck! Especially when gatherings of people use funds to advertise for a candidate I don't like! BASTiges!
Another one, last time, it is not about partisan politics, not about who got money, who won elections, not Democrat nor Republican, but rather that Citizens United opened up the flood gates to money in politics, which is leading us down the road to an oligarchy j
Tiresome, brainless little fool.

Appears someone ^ missed the point and in turn attempted to turn the thread into partisan attacks

As I noted, the out of control spending is done by both sides, and if you want to got there, yes, technically, Harris received more funding, however it was widespread, while Trump’s, which wasn’t far behind, largely originated from a handful of individuals, as noted, no one contributes $240 million without expecting to get something in return. Regardless, all of this doesn’t include dark money, fundings with anonymous donors.

It isn’t a partisan issue, rather a reality, campaign financing is out of control, and as I said, putting us on a path to an oligarchy
Your concerns are noted: But, spare me the faux diplomacy. I've laid out my stance so clearly that most could get it, yet here you are, proving that comprehension might not be your strong suit. Yeah, I bet plenty disagree, including some allies on "my side." But hey, disagreement is the spice of life.
However, let's cut the crap about being even-handed. You're about as neutral as a kangaroo court judge. Please. Your statement was as bipartisan as a MAGA rally.
It's perfectly fine by me, but I don't play the coy, passive-aggressive game. I'm as straightforward as a freight train. And those sneaky little insults you think are so cleverly hidden? They're as obvious as a fart in an elevator.
So yeah, my response had some "clear" jabs because I call bullshit when I see it. You won't agree? Shocker. But frankly, I couldn't care less.
Your response will likely be 'you're a childish idiot' or 'are you triggered?' or 'you can't understand my brilliance' lol or maybe 'typical Magat moron' etc. etc. Surprise me with something new would you PLEASE
This is nothing more than laughable opinion filled bullshit.

Common sense tells us that an unhinged leftist liar who calls free speech bullshit is full of bullshit himself.

You sad, uninformed, uneducated little dimwit; money has ALWAYS influenced politics and elections. :palm:

The rescinded law did NOTHING to end money influence. It was about free speech and the Constitution. Something brainless unhinged whiny little leftists like you hate.
why do you believe in corruption?

you're very disappointing.
Your concerns are noted: But, spare me the faux diplomacy. I've laid out my stance so clearly that most could get it, yet here you are, proving that comprehension might not be your strong suit. Yeah, I bet plenty disagree, including some allies on "my side." But hey, disagreement is the spice of life.
However, let's cut the crap about being even-handed. You're about as neutral as a kangaroo court judge. Please. Your statement was as bipartisan as a MAGA rally.
It's perfectly fine by me, but I don't play the coy, passive-aggressive game. I'm as straightforward as a freight train. And those sneaky little insults you think are so cleverly hidden? They're as obvious as a fart in an elevator.
So yeah, my response had some "clear" jabs because I call bullshit when I see it. You won't agree? Shocker. But frankly, I couldn't care less.
Your response will likely be 'you're a childish idiot' or 'are you triggered?' or 'you can't understand my brilliance' lol or maybe 'typical Magat moron' etc. etc. Surprise me with something new would you PLEASE
you're all fluff and bullshit.

it's shameful that you're openly pro-corrption.
From politics make strange bedfellows Josh Hawley

People have complained about money in politics and politicians being bought long before Citizens United. McCain-Feingold was the topic du jour a couple of decades ago and all that would have done is just redistribute where the money comes from and who spends it. It wasn't going to get money out of politics.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I love it but it's our system, based on free speech, and we are never going to 'get money out of politics'. That's an idealistic vision not wrapped in reality.

What results have shown is that those with the most money aren't guaranteed to win.

Not guaranteed - but it sure helps.

I'm not sure how anyone thinks the interests of the people are continuing to be served with the massive amounts of money being injected into campaigns by the richest of the rich. And before we all get into devil's advocate mode - yes, that means both sides.

It's really preposterous, and comical. Anyone who doesn't think corporations and billionaires have WAY more influence than average Americans at this point isn't really paying attention. And it will only keep getting more extreme.
you're all fluff and bullshit.

it's shameful that you're openly pro-corrption.
Your concerns are noted. I think that's my new favorite response. lol Especially when dealing with the super paranoid. It's a shame really, if it's a massive cocaine habit at the root of your paranoia, easily solved, just stop. You won't go into convulsions or have any real negative effects, you'll just start feeling better. If it's not cocaine, I'm at a loss, and for now, I have no recommendations for solving your problem. I'll keep my ear to the ground.
Your concerns are noted. I think that's my new favorite response. lol Especially when dealing with the super paranoid. It's a shame really, if it's a massive cocaine habit at the root of your paranoia, easily solved, just stop. You won't go into convulsions or have any real negative effects, you'll just start feeling better. If it's not cocaine, I'm at a loss, and for now, I have no recommendations for solving your problem. I'll keep my ear to the ground.
have you always been a smarmy globalist fake maga traitor fucktoid?